Part 12- Honey Bunny

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Nat shakes her head "Moments are moments, Fury, you would get that with Maria though." Nick stares at her with his one eye. "We are having a meeting, Sharon has information on Hydra." NIck turns to go and adds "that means you have to come." you nod and turn to Nat "Seriously Sharon ? Literally anybody else would've been better".

"Be careful saying that in front of Steve he has a bit of a thing for her even though I also think she's a bitch." you shake your head "poor man, what has the super soldier serum done to him, changed his preference from kind to bitchy." Nat laughs "Okay that was funny." "Isn't everything I say funny?" You say, frowning. Nat shakes her head "of course it is, baby, now it's time to go to this meeting and try not to kill Sharon." "I'll try" you say trying to ignore the warmth you felt when she said 'baby'.

{<Time Skip brought to you by Steve kissing his mother with that mouth 😙>}

You walk into the room to see Sharon sitting in your chair at the head of the table, Maria and Nat notice and share a glance. "Hey I am sorry you're in my seat." you say in a sweet voice. She looks at you "Honey bunny, I don't think so." you take a deep breath and look at her "Agent, I don't care what your last name is, please remove your cheap ass from my seat, now."

"What did you say?" she claps back at you, Nat looks at her "For your safety Sharon, just drop it" Sharon looks at Nat "Or what Romanoff?" And that was it, you grab her by the collar, easily lifting her "or this, Walmart Peggy Carter" as you drop her next to the chair sitting down. "Now where were we?" you ask sweetly, completely changing your attitude.

You look around to see Nat sitting next to you and Maria next to her both with their head town trying not to laugh or clap. Then you see Sharon slowly rise from her seat next to you and move to sit at the spare seat, in the corner. Nick stands up, his face a mix of the proud look a father has when his son wins a fight and the look a mother has when her sweet son throws a punch.

"Okay Y/N, I think we were talking about Hydra's supposed plans. We think that Hydra is creating a weapon of mass destruction, filled with god knows what kind of sedatives" Nick explains, "Oh Nicholas, that's not what they're doing'' you say, earning a look from the rest of the crowd.

"Director she called you by your first name" Sharon pipes up. Nick looks away, not wanting to get involved, you look at him though and he sighs "Sharon, she can call me that." You smirk but inside that smirk was a smile as he showed some kind of affection, you think at least. Sharon pouts, you stand up and go to the front looking at Nick, you say "May I?" he nods.

You go to speak and see Sharon creeping over to your seat "Bitch please." she looks at you and you continue "Do you want to have a repeat of before. Like, it was fun but it might be too mean to embarrass you again, even for me don't you think."

She's silent, not moving, you speak again, moving closer and closer to her with each word "Go back to the naughty corner, Honey Bunny" she doesn't move and this time your voice is meaningly quite "move now." Nat looks at you and back at Sharon you hear Sam asking for popcorn and try not to laugh. She slowly backs away.

"Thanks. Honestly though, Tony, you got to help her learn her place as quickly as you." Tony silently nods. "Back to it though. Now you said bullshit there just distracting you. What they're really doing is using vibranium to create weapons that will help their new assassins ." then your demeanor completely changes and you start to explain the plan "We will have Sharon continue her investigation of the previous lead, if Sharon stops they will know we have clues about their plan."

"There won't be anything more to find though"she says, you shake your head "No there will be alot they have set out that track out to the T you could spend years investigating it. We will need Prisoner no. 2 to start looking into the records and that stuff more". "Who is prisoner no. 2"? asks Nick you laugh "sorry that's Coulson" Nick shakes his head and you continue.

"I'll give you guys 2 hours to have some fun, do something cool. I don't care, just be back here at 3 sharp and we can brainstorm ideas to kill these bastards. That clear?" Everyone nods and begins to leave. Nick comes up to you, "So that's what you have been doing" you nod "Staying a step ahead of you." you smirk. Nick goes to speak but is interrupted by Nat "Y/N what did we say about not killing Sharon."

"Not to do it and I didn't" you reply innocently, she just laughs and turns to leave, you call out after her "Should we do some training?" she gives you a thumbs up and leaves. NIck looks at you "Take a page out of her book and drop the whole Sharon thing." you nod and add "if she touches me, or Romanoff she is gonna be dead" he sighs and walks out leaving you alone in the room.

You sit down in a chair looking into nowhere, your mind wandering. You begin to think about Hydra and their threat, what if they came back to get Nat. You try to imagine a world without Nat but it's impossible for you.

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