Part 21- Fucking Occasionally?

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"Where is Steve?" you ask looking around the room "Well" Sam begins "If he is with Sharon, i am going to murder that fucking-" you stop yourself "Okay let's just" you look at the door "Look guys if he is with Sharon I don't know what to do but, J.A.R.V.I.S tell captain america that his star spangled ass is needed in here now".

"Calling Captain Ass" J.A.R.V.I.S says followed by a ringing, All the Avengers have a good laugh at the name when you realize something. Without a single word, you sprint to Nat's room, looking around for the tablet that Coulson had given you.

You find it broken, "Fuck!" You curse, you didn't listen to him before either, so you had no idea of what was in there. You take your burner phone out of the pocket and call Coulson. "Phil, Philly, my best-"  you sweet talk but he cuts you off "There's a pendrive in your left pocket with all the info, I knew you weren't listening".

"Whatever the hell I would do without you, Phil" You thank, "Be careful, it's a copy but the only one" He warns. You thank him once more before you hang up and sprint back to the door, "Sorry for the wait, but I have information" You smirk. Then you look at the star spangled ass who seems to have turned up "Glad you could join us" you say and pull out the pendrive.

"Coulson gave me this. Well he told me about it, gave me a tablet but I smashed it and didn't listen but this is the only copy he has of the info, anyway not the point. This may help us take down Hydra."
"That's all?" says Steve. "Well no it isn't, Nat is at the top of the list of people Hydra wants to kill and there is currently a dead hydra agent in her room if anyone wants target practice, but no Steve you can't go." you bite back a curse word and turn to the rest of the group.

"So, does anyone want an explanation?" you ask "That might help, bride" says Hill. "Okay, Wanda and Nat can explain backstory. I can explain now, take it away bitches." pointing at the two ladies to take control of the story. "Well you already know Y/N was our top agent so Wanda can take the next bit." says Nat.

"Oh I got this. So, for some reason, Hydra did not want her finished, they threatened death to a certain someone." again she looks at you for approval you shrug your shoulders. "It's kinda obvious, I guess so, here we go, they threatened to kill Nat if she didn't leave, she couldn't stand Nat being killed because she was the one thing that made her life worth it, so she left without a trace like they asked but she couldn't stand completely leaving her so created her alter-ego to help Nat."

"She felt that she had some kind of connection to the one thing she couldn't lose but now they know she is back and they are determined to complete their threat, it seems." "Wanda, did we not talk about the oversharing just there" you say, "What! it's not like it's that bad, it's cute" she defends herself.

You shake your head "So, the douche who threatened to kill an okay person came back and we sorted him out but hydra ain't gonna stop till the okay person is dead." you say trying to distract from Wanda's big explanation. "Woah, hold up, you think we are going to let this cute interaction of running away to save Nat slide?" says Tony. You look down rubbing your temples, "One minute, that's all you get, Go!" "So were you two dating. Or just fucking occasionally?" he asks.

"First of all, Why am I surprised that that's the first question? I mean I don't think we had really defined the relationship, had we Nat?" "Fucking occasionally, okay" says Tony, you glare at him "Are you two dating now?" "No" you say "we are not." Maria burst out laughing.

"Okay that's a yes. Have you guys fucked since you arrived?" he asks. You look at the clock "Time is up now back on topic.'' You quickly say, a bit too quickly. You look at Nat awkwardly, she looks back "Y/N, they're going to figure it out." you look down. "We are dating, now let's focus."

You open Tony's Hologram, showing the evidence of an experiment going on at the Hydra bases. The group looks on in shock as a man begins to scream in ridiculous pain, another man puts a large piece of vibranium over the man's left side of the chest the man doubles over in pain as the supposed scientist begins to melt the edges of the vibranium to the skin.

Then out of the corner of the shot you see a weird looking body. It looked almost reawakened from the dead, rotting. The man screeches again this time louder. "That's enough" says Steve. "Why? For all we know, they could have been getting to the good part" you say. "But let's question the dead looking dude in the corner who looks reawakened from the dead." "what" says the group all except Nat "Did you guys pay attention." Nat says.

"Yeah" Sam sheepishly says. "Look, the point is they are creating some deadly fucking assasins covered in vibranium and don't think I'm dumb but they also seem to have some zombies on their side.'' Everyone looks at you. "What? You're looking at me like I knew about this" You roll your eyes.

"But how do we fight them?" Wanda asks, "I guess, break in, see what they're really creating and try to finish that horrible shit" Nat says before looking at you, You nod and say "Yes, let's do this, nobody stays behind this time".

{<Time Skip Brought To You By Drax standing there, incredibly still 🕴>}

You wear a bulletproof vest, tightening it around your waist, Everybody was getting ready and you were too. You grab grenades tucking them in a cross-body belt, you take all the weapons you can find and meet up with the team in the Common Lounge. You look at Nat as she walks in her red hair tied back in a ponytail, her look at her body clearly shown off in her tight fitting catsuit.

She catches you looking and winks as you walk over to her wrapping your arms around her waist "like the outfit" you say "Pretty tight fitting." she laughs "Could say the same for you though." you look at her pulling her into a kiss. Nat kisses you back then reaches her hands under your arms tickling you.

You pull away giggling suddenly you and Nat are invested in an intense tickle fight. Laughing you nip her lip and she fights back, kissing your neck, you look at her "рыжая красотка was that a part of the rules." you say "who said we had rules, милашка." you laugh "Well then" you reach a hand out to the zip of Nat's catsuit. Then a round shield comes flying, landing between the two of you.

"That will be enough, ladies." says Steve as he retrieves his shield (Booo, Fuck Steve). "Seriously, Steve, we were having a moment!" you say annoyed "Y/N, we are going to go try and save the world so you two can stop doing that and get focused." you and Nat stand up looking at each other and sit down.

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