Part 17- Kill 'em With Kindness Bitch

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You sat in the kitchen staring out the window, "When are they coming, what can I do about it?" you think. You remember the man shooting through the picture of Nat and you huddle down in the chair. Then you hear a voice "Why do you act like you're not scared" Wanda asks. "Well, maybe because I'm not" you reply, trying to sound brave. Wanda looks you in the eyes and says "Y/N you are, and I can hear your thoughts screaming it." you look at her.

This time she says "Y/N, you didn't want to leave Nat, did you." you shake your head like a scared kid. "Someone threatened you?" Wanda asks. "Just read my goddamn mind" you say. She sees your eyes both burning with rage but also a hint of a scared child that was barely masked by the skilled agent.
She bursts into your mind and you focus on the memory, you curl into yourself remembering the man with the scar down his neck and his greyish blue eyes. Then you feel her leave your mind and you look up. "You left to protect her and you're scared that they will come for her." Wanda murmurs, you nod as a tear rolls down your cheek "I can't lose what I just found" you say.

Wanda nodded in understanding "I need your help Wanda" you say, "I want you to help me collect everything I know about hydra every week if needed." you stop "When I go, you can pass it on"
"What do you mean when you go?" she looks at you with fear evident on her face.

"Hydra will come and they will threaten me again and I will do what I did before'' you say. Wanda looks at you and sighs, pulling you into a hug, just when Nat walks in. "Aww, Y/N showing love." Nat says laughing, you pull away from Wanda saying "Thanks sis" and walk over to Nat "I was thinking we could go shopping together on a girls day we can invite Maria as well?" Nat nods.

"Cool idea but Sharon has something for you." she replies. "A grenade atomic bomb nuke, what is it?" you ask, genuinely concerned. "She won't say, apparently it is confidential.'' Nat says with a look of annoyance. "Well" you say "before I go just wanted to say all my stuff is to be left to you two and I love you guys'' they laugh and you walk out.

Just as you round the corner, you see Sharon "Hey took you long enough" she says, you ignore the comment and ask about the gift, she looks at you "it isn't a gift, it's an assignment for your stupid alter ego, hooded figure.'' She hands you a file and before she can leave, you decide to try a different tactic of annoyance on Sharon. "Thanks Sharon, I really appreciate it.'' You say with a broad genuine smile she stands there confused and then turns away.

"Kill 'em with kindness bitch." You whisper and open the folder there was an image of a large one story warehouse, you look at the address hmm you think that's 2 hours away, if you leave at 6 tomorrow just after dinner, you will rock up at 8, when the sun is getting low.

Looking at the floor plan it is a pretty much open space, one gigantic room so overpowering it quickly by yourself would be difficult, you sit down in the corridor pulling out a pencil and begin sketching possible ways around the guards and a way to plant the bombs. You would need to stick with the pipe bombs changing equipment would show you had got new contacts, not a good idea, the same style would also be needed.

You might set up the rifles like last time you had done that at nearly every site, so it was kinda your thing. Pulling out your phone you quickly order a set of jeans and a graphic hoodie, that would arrive tomorrow morning. Now where did you usually get the pipe bombs, the drug store downtown, okay. A quick visit to the store would be easy and you could inform the group of your plan just in case anything went wrong, which wouldn't happen of course.

You stood up, having finished your sketch and walked to the meeting room to explain your idea.

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