That Stupid T-Shirt (Part 1)

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Hyunjin couldn't do this. He was absolutely positive now that he couldn't do it. He reached down and...

Hyunjin opened his eyes to unfamiliar warm feeling enveloping him. He looked side to side trying to orient himself after such a deep sleep. Wow, he'd slept for a while. It was already mid afternoon.

A fluffy blonde head caught his eye, and he looked down at his side to see the boy connected to that head with his arms wrapped around his waist and his legs threaded between Hyunjin's.

Hyunjin smiled at the sight. The boy was so precious, sleeping with his beautiful face scrunched up in the most adorable way possible, his mouth slightly open blowing hot air on Hyunjin's chest.

Hyunjin had his arms wrapped around the boy too, and one of his hands was threaded through the boy's soft hair, twirling strands of it around his finger.

It was unbelievably soft, like a kitty's, and it smelled like strawberries and freshness. Hyunjin inhaled, trying not to be too weird about it. He just smelled so good.

Felix made a little noise, and Hyunjin pulled away, thinking that Felix was awake and he had been caught. But as the boy's face came back into view, he saw that he was actually still asleep.

Hyunjin settled back down, content to just look at the stunning freckles scattered over the boy's cheeks, pink from the warmth of their sleeping position.

Hyunjin kept looking at the pretty boy, until Felix made another noise. But this one wasn't like the last. This one was just slightly louder, so Hyunjin could actually hear what it was...a moan?!

Hyunjin's eyes widened at the sound, and they only widened further when Felix made the sound again. And again.

Hyunjin didn't know what to do. What was happening? Was Felix having one those dreams? He must have been. What should he do? He knew Felix would be embarrassed if he woke up and saw Hyunjin staring at him, obviously having heard everything. 

Felix mumbled something, just barely audible, so Hyunjin couldn't catch what it was he said.

He wanted to wake the boy up, but how could he do that without Felix knowing he had heard him? Felix mumbled a little louder, but Hyunjin still couldn't hear the word he was repeating.

Maybe if he made a loud noise then Felix would wake up and he could close his eyes to make it look like he had been sleeping the whole time.

Yeah, that's what he'd do.

He closed his eyes and positioned himself just right so it would look like he was really asleep.

He took a breath, and just when he was about to make a noise, Felix mumbled again, but this time he could hear the word Felix erotically moaned.


Hyunjin sucked in a big gulp of air, making a loud whooshing noise next to Felix's ear.

He felt Felix jerk awake in front of his face, though his eyes were still closed. Hyunjin desperately tried to steady his rapid heart beat, while trying to control his rising arousal from the sound of Felix moaning his name like that.

Felix just said my name. My name!? While dreaming about things that made him moan like that? Is he into me? What do I do? What's going on? AHHHHHH!!!

"Fuck," Felix whispered breathily. "Jesus."

Felix breathed heavily for a second, before Hyunjin felt him tilt his head down and heard him mumble, "Shit."

Hyunjin felt the boy shift in his hold, trying to extract his legs from in between Hyunjin's longer ones.

However, instead of pulling his legs away like he meant to, the force he applied pulled his body closer to Hyunjin's, and Hyunjin felt something hard brush against his hip.

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