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This is the first Felix top I've written, so it was a bit of a new experience.

Thank you ji-ber  for the suggestion, and I hope you like it! ❤️

No TWs I think😌

Italics in quotes is when they're speaking Korean
Regular lettering in quotes is English.

"We're...real friend, I think," I say, remembering what he taught me yesterday.

He taught me that word, 'friend,' specifically instructing that I call him that and nothing else.

I'm rewarded by his cute little nod and smile as he listens to me intently. It urges me on as I desperately try to remember the words I was supposed to say, instead of the images playing in my head.

"I think I didn't try..."

Damn, what's that word. I know it, it's right there on the tip of my tongue.

"Enough," he says, trying to help me along.

But the sound of his voice completely wipes my brain clean of where I was going with that sentence, reminding me of what our lesson from yesterday led to, instead of what the right phrase is. And so I'm left fumbling my words, trying to make some sense.

"...like, you must be my real friend."

No, nope. That wasn't right. Dammit! Why am I so bad at this?

Well, I know why. It's because I can't get him out of my head. He's utterly distracting, with that goddamn stupid heavenly voice, that sculpted body, those adorable little talented baby hands.

I can't think about anything but him next to me, staring at me, at my body, knowing what's underneath my layers as I try to communicate with him in his native language. I know he's picturing everything in perfect detail.

I know it turns him on when we talk in English, and so that's why he suggested it. That's why he tried to teach me yesterday.

I'm completely regretting the decision right now, as I mumble and mess up my speaking and as my face and neck heat up quickly.

Sucking in a breath and desperately trying to clear my mind of my sinful memories, I start again.

"But, I think you make our..."

Aaaand they're back again.

Why doesn't he ever leave my head!?

I know what I want to say, but the only word I can think of is 'boyfriend,' and I know that's not correct. I mean, technically it's true, but I don't really think that would be a good word to blurt out right now.

My eyes close as I search for the right word, but it isn't coming to me.

Looking at him, I glare, and all he does in return is smirk and offer me the word I was looking for.

"Friendship," he states, holding back laughter at the word we're forced to use in public.

He knows. I know he knows. Lee Know he knows. What the fuck am I saying?

Why is English so hard?

He knows what's going through my head. I'm absolutely positive. His barely contained laughter and the slyness in his eyes says it all.

"Friendship," I say shyly.

He grunts, and I internally gulp as I try to continue on and ignore my body's reaction to the noise.

"A-and it's really thank you," my voice ends up in a whisper at the end, as I realize that I haven't said the right thing.

But that's all I can come up with from our lesson yesterday, as I remember when I asked him for the translation of it. 

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