That Stupid T-Shirt (Part 3)

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Hyunjin hadn't meant to pull Felix so close to his dick, only far enough back that he could've covered it.

He certainly hadn't meant to moan when Felix hit it with his head. But any pressure on his cock from Felix was enough to make him weak.

Now that Hyunjin had broken the dam, he couldn't stop himself. He felt Felix's soft shirt, his favorite one Felix owned, and he couldn't take his hands off of it. The live started, and still he had his hands on that goddamn, stupid shirt.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't release the boy for more than a few seconds before he needed to grasp onto him again.

He held Felix in between his legs, unable to let the boy go. He needed him for coverage, obviously, but he couldn't deny the fact that he loved how the boy felt there. He was addicted to the warmth that Felix was providing him between his legs.

Everybody started introducing themselves jokingly, and when it got to Hyunjin, he introduced himself with his name and age, still holding on to Felix.

He thankfully got all the words out without stuttering and fumbling. He hoped that would be all and Han would pass on to the next person, but he had no such luck.

"Hyunjin, you're wearing red, any particular reason?" Han asked innocently.

Hyunjin's smile faltered for a millisecond. Did he know something? Could he sense something? Hyunjin needed to lie.

Nobody could know that he had worn this shirt both because he needed to cover up his issue and because he knew Felix found him hot in it.

"I-I don't have a particular reason," he said sheepishly.

He could see Han's wheels spinning for a second. He was worried Han really did know something, until he said, "Oh, I see," and moved on to the next member.

Hyunjin let out a sigh of relief.

Fuck you Han, Felix thought. Han knew that that shirt was his favorite of Hyunjin's. He knew that Felix thought Hyunjin looked an unearthly level of hot in it.

Han was the only one that Felix had told about his feelings for Hyunjin, he thought because he could trust him.

It seemed that notion was incorrect.

Felix glanced up at Han when he said it, and he could see the mischievous glint in his eyes. Felix widened his eyes at Han, silently begging him to move on.

Han obliged, though not before shooting Felix a sly wink.

Felix rolled his eyes at the stupid little squirrel, who finally called out Felix's name for him to introduce himself.

Felix stuttered for a second, unable to come up with an entrance phrase, his mind elsewhere, namely on the black haired boy behind him who he felt shift closer and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Oh, uh, I'm L-L-Lee Yongbok from Australia," Felix said lamely, wanting to get the focus off of himself.

Felix could feel the presence of Hyunjin's cock behind him, almost touching him, and he didn't think he could stand it for much longer.

Everyone cheered after he said his name, but he couldn't focus on that. Every movement Hyunjin made behind him grabbed his attention and held it.

The boys were saying something, but he wasn't listening. He was too busy trying as hard as he possibly could to keep his body in check and his mind off all the possibilities that came with being in between Hyunjin's legs.

"Then from Yongbok!"

Hearing Han call his name, Felix was pulled from his vulgar thoughts, and he spouted out the first thing that came to his mind as he tried to remember vaguely what he was supposed to be talking about.

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