Love to Hate Me (Part 4)

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TW: Gun fucking? (Is this a tw?), name calling, degrading, hair pulling.


Parting his lips slightly, Hyunjin darted the tip of his tongue out of his mouth to quickly touch the cold metal, testing the waters, and then he hurriedly retracted it. And the reaction he got from the other, a gasp followed by a searing look, egged him on to do it again. And when a groan escaped Felix's mouth that second time, it didn't take much to convince Hyunjin to fully wrap his lips around the end of the weapon and look up to meet Felix's eyes as he began to suck.

It was all Felix could do to hold in a moan when Hyunjin met his eyes as he started in on the gun. The way the boy's spit was collecting around his lips, the way his eyes so sinfully held Felix captive, it was almost too much to bare. With the visual in front of him, Hyunjin on his knees with his lips on the hard metal, it didn't take much to imagine that there actually wasn't a gun and it was Felix's dick that was slowly wedging further and further into the brunette's open mouth.

The whirlwind of emotions over the last few minutes gave Felix whiplash, from determination, to regret, to anger, and now to...this. But what was this? Watching Hyunjin take the gun with their eyes locked was definitely doing something to him, even more so when lewd noises began to escape from Hyunjin's mouth. A sucking sound, paired with slurps from the older boy moving his tongue, filled the empty space and made Felix heat up like he never had before.

He had no idea where this was going, whatever it was, but the only thing he did know was that he was determined to keep this gun in Hyunjin's mouth for as long as possible. And to that end, without a single thought of the repercussions, Felix acted on his urge to feel it deeper in the other boy's mouth, pushing it in until he heard him choke.

To say Hyunjin was surprised by the sudden movement would be an understatement. The feeling of being choked from the inside was something entirely new to him, but, in all honesty, not as horrible as he would have expected. The metal felt cool against his heated throat, and it glided down further easily with the help of his spit.

Hyunjin watched Felix's face change from confused to something else entirely as Hyunjin took in more and more of the gun. A mix between shock, fear...and arousal. Yes, Felix was getting aroused watching Hyunjin suck on his own gun, and Hyunjin wasn't sure what to do with that information. He was unsure of his place in the dynamic that they had shifted into.

But Felix was aroused, and either he didn't know or didn't care because he was so focused on torturing Hyunjin, and Hyunjin wanted to do something about it. He'd never been one to submit to anyone, so it was completely confusing for him now as he kneeled on command like a dog.

...Come to think of it, why had he complied to Felix's request? It's not like the younger had made him, what with the two pounds total of muscle mass on his entire body.

Why wasn't Hyunjin the one standing and peering down at Felix like he was a pathetic one? The thought dawned on him that he should be. He should be the one stuffing a gun down Felix's throat, watching him choke, he should be the one in control.

As he thought about it more and more, it became increasingly unbearable to let Felix humiliate him like this. It was simply incorrect.

Looking Felix directly in the eyes, he grabbed the boy's wrist and wrenched the gun from his mouth, wincing slightly as the ridges ran across his lips. The thing was glistening with his spit in Felix's hold, now resting at the boy's side. But Hyunjin didn't take too long to process the view, instead opting to swipe Felix's legs out from under him and climb over his hips to pin him in place on his back on the floor.

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