DON'T Leave the Door Open (Han)

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A slam echoed throughout the house as Han hurriedly retraced his footsteps out of the room he'd just been about to enter, slamming the door violently in embarrassment.

He began to retreat to the living room, until he heard a desperate call of his name from the other side of the recently slammed door, and he paused briefly as he watched the two boys stumble out of it, messily tying the strings of their robes around their waists.

"Ji, wait," the shorter boy called after him, hair mussed prettily and lips swollen.

Hickies adorned his neck and chest, running up and down the skin in bright red and purple. The boy was breathing heavily, unsurprisingly, and his legs wobbled as he moved closer, holding his arms out to Han in a gesture of peace.

The brunette next to him didn't look any more presentable than the messy blonde at his side. He too had marks up and down his exposed skin, trailing under the fabric of his robe, and probably even further than that, Han assumed. The taller boy's hair was matted in the back. It would almost have been comical if it weren't for the current situation.

The image of what he had just witnessed flashed through Han's mind again. He cringed as he remembered how they were staring at each other, like they were consuming each other whole, as the blonde straddled the older boy's lap and worked his hips quickly.

Wandering hands, dripping bodies, wanton sounds leaving their mouths, all compiled to give Han the greatest headache he'd ever had in his life. And the most vivid image he'd never be able to get rid of.

Han didn't really mean to, but his eyes had no other choice than to flick down to crotch level on the two boys as he stared at them now, and he was greeted with two, rather obvious, tents in the thin material that was now covering the boys' bodies.

If only the cloth had been there a second ago when he barged in on the two after he heard his favorite song start to play from behind their door.

Face twisting up in embarrassment as he thought again about the image that was now burned into his retinas, he turned around to face away from the two because he couldn't look at them without turning a violent red color.

"Why didn't you lock the door?!," Han asked incredulously.

It was one thing to do that shit when there were other people in the house.

It was completely another to leave the door unlocked.

"Why did you barge in?!," Hyunjin shot back, quick to turn the blame back on Han because, really, it wasn't his and Felix's fault that Han had decided to drop by unexpectedly.

"Well I didn't expect you guys to just be shamelessly...going at it with a house full of people!" Han blushed as he spit out the words, gesturing wildly with his hands and wondering whether or not he was the one in the wrong here.

He had opened the door without knocking, sure...but still! They knew he'd be there, they could've just waited like two hours until he was gone!

"Hey, Han," Hyunjin chastised, having had just about enough of people complaining about his and Felix's sex schedule to last a life time. " You are the one that barged in on sexy time without knocking, okay? The door was closed for a reason."

And it was true. The door was closed for a reason. It was also left unlocked for a reason as well.

"Yeah Ji, like, why didn't you knock?," Felix added on.

If Han hadn't known any better, he would've thought he saw some kind of message in Felix's eyes. Han shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

Could they just sometimes not fuck? Was it possible?

Han was currently having an identity crisis because of it at the moment. He was trying not to picture it. Trying his very hardest not to think about how Felix looked so small on top of Hyunjin, the older man's hands almost fully encircling his waist. Trying not to think about the blissed out, so-close-to-orgasm-it-hurts face that Felix was wearing when he walked in the door.

Not to mention Hyunjin's quick thrusts and clenching thigh muscles.

Oh god, what was he thinking.

Bolting quickly through the dorm, Han tuned out the two boys trying to scramble after him, again slamming a door as he fled their apartment, where the two refused to leave because of their, how to put it...? Indecency.

Not like it ever stopped them before, Han thought with a huff as he pressed his back against the wall two floors down from his own personal hell.

It wasn't his fault that their bodies were so god damn hot.

God, this is sick, Han thought, willing the tent in his pants to go away. He did not move another step until it obeyed.

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