DON'T Leave the Door Open (Seungmin)

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In all honesty, Seungmin should've known that it would happen. He should've seen this coming a mile away and put a stop to it before it started. But he was here now, and there was kind of like nothing he could, or wanted to, do about it.

Things had been quiet for a while. No random awkward entrances into rooms that contained indecent people inside them. No blown up group chats in which said indecent individuals tried desperately to explain themselves.

Just Seungmin's luck to be the one that broke the streak.

Had he been a puppy killer in a past life or something? A serial killer? A lollipop stealer? What had he done to deserve this fate?

It hadn't been like this at first. The morning had started out perfectly normal, albeit a little hectic what with Felix suspiciously missing his alarm and stumbling messily out of his room half dressed with a rather large ferret in tow.

But once he'd scurried his skinny ass out the door and left Hyunjin behind to awkwardly make conversation with Seungmin about how their respective nights had been, Hyunjin desperately trying to not be suspicious, even though the effort was in vain because Seungmin did have eyes, ears, and half a brain, the morning had quieted and the younger was quite glad for it.

He'd had a rough night anyway, what with vocal practice running so late and an energy drink stained shirt to deal with. So once Hyunjin left, soon after Felix, a nice quiet morning sitting with a cup of tea and reading a book sounded perfect to the rather tired boy. And after his tea ran cold and his book became a little too intricate to keep up with at the moment, Seungmin got up, took his shower, and readied himself for his day.

He really didn't have that much to do, maybe a few errands, so he figured he'd take his time with them. It was a leisurely afternoon, much needed at that, and when Seungmin made it home later that night, he felt slightly refreshed from the cool air he'd encountered during his outing.

Of course his calm would be ruined promptly.

Stray Kids, by definition, did not do calm, in any way shape or form. So it shouldn't have come as a surprise to Seungmin that he was rudely awakened from a rather nice nap on the living room couch by a loud bang that sounded like it came from the hall where everyone's rooms branched off of.

A slightly quieter groan followed the sound not long after, and it took actual physical effort for Seungmin not to let out his own, knowing he'd now be obligated to go check to see what had happened.

It's not like he really had to, but, knowing his members, somebody more likely than not had done something stupid and was now in need of assistance, specifically Seungmin's assistance, seeing as he was the only one in this household who even attempted to keep order.

With a grumble, Seungmin pushed off the couch, the crick in his neck making itself known as he righted his head to its normal angle.

That's what you get when you sleep on the couch instead of going to your own bed, he thought to himself, padding swiftly down the hall to the first door: Jeongin's.

He would've knocked had he thought it mattered, but he was too tired to wait for a response, and so he opened the door to check and make sure nobody had died in that room. Seeing as it  was completely devoid of a certain brunette maknae, Seungmin promptly shut the door and moved on.

He walked over to Minho's door, and this time he really did consider knocking. Even if they were known by the world as the "cute" dorm, that didn't stop Minho from owning several throwing stars and a bat, just in case "somebody ever got any ideas." But then he remembered that the older had told the boys earlier that he was sleeping over at the other dorm. So Seungmin left that room completely untouched, not wanting to lose an arm if Minho ever caught wind of him entering his room without asking.

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