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This is for Sera138377 , who gave me the great suggestion, I hope you like it! <3

No TWs!

"Let's groove tonight, share the spice of—"


Hyunjin threw the phone face down on his bed, shutting it off and quickly rolling away from it, covering his eyes as if trying to block the image from his head.

He smacked his temples, willing himself to forget.

No, he hadn't seen that, he told himself. No, it wasn't sexy. No, he didn't want to grab the boy by his hair extensions, pull him back to his room, throw him on the bed, and see just how mobile his hips were in real time.

He definitely didn't want that.

Rocking from side to side violently on his mattress, Hyunjin groaned into his hands when the image of Felix's ass wouldn't leave his mind.

Come on Hyunjin, he thought. It's just an ass. You've seen it before. You've touched it before. What's got you so worked up now?

But it wasn't just the fact that the ass was present that made him heat up all over. No.

It was the way he fucking moved it that really sent Hyunjin spiraling like this. He'd never seen the boy dance like that. Even when they had those moves in their choreography, his were always small and noncommittal.

But those absolutely sinful body rolls in the video, in those loose pants hanging so gracefully off his form.

The way it was wedged—

No, we're stopping now, Hyunjin. Chill the fuck out man.

He's your friend. Friend. F-r-i-e-n-d. Meaning he doesn't want to jump your bones no matter how much you'd like to jump his.

Hyunjin groaned again, working as hard as he could to silence his thoughts that were going a million miles an hour. Hyunjin knew he'd always been weak, unable to refuse temptation, always quick to cave in to his desires.

But with Felix, he'd been different. Yes, he'd wanted to have the boy since two years ago ever since he saw him naked for the first time. Yes, it had been the hardest thing he'd ever experienced to keep himself from growing hard when they took showers together.

But he'd done it. As of now, he had kept his desires as secret as he possibly could, because he knew the freckled boy didn't feel the same way. And he loved him and didn't want to lose him. Hyunjin was very proud of himself for being able to make it so far without Felix ever suspecting anything.

Especially on those days when Felix wore crop tops and short shorts to dance practice, where a certain tall brunette happened to be situated directly behind him during stretches.

He'd never made any sexual suggestions to the boy, never stared, never lingered. Only when he was alone in his own room with the door locked would he allow himself to ponder and explore the blonde's beautiful features from memory.

Only when he knew the coast was clear would he allow himself to wallow in the need for said boy and pretend like he would ever be able to fill the hole the boy left in him.

But today, he didn't know what was happening. His control was slipping away, faster than it ever had before. Without a single ounce of warning.

He desperately tried to get it back, breathing deeply and keeping his eyes closed as he pictured scenery, birds, flowers, skylines, anything but that fucking tight ass in those god forsaken pants that fit just right.

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