That Stupid T-Shirt (Part 2)

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The other boys woke up not long after Hyunjin finally made it back to his room from the shower.

Felix was long gone by that point, having run off after Hyunjin's noises had died down, not wanting to be caught listening, though he would've loved to hold on to that feeling of Hyunjin calling his name forever.

No, now all he had to hold on to was his half hard cock begging to be stimulated again. But he couldn't, not with all the guys awake and moving about.

So, he was left with an uncomfortable bulge in his pants, that he hoped his baggy white shirt with a red splotched canvas piece attached to the front and black pants would somewhat shield during their Vlive today.

It was simply pure coincidence that said baggy shirt happened to be Hyunjin's favorite shirt of his.

Felix didn't think he could actually speak to Hyunjin right now though. He was still worked up and hot, and he wasn't sure if he could be near the black haired boy without going crazy.

His dream that morning had been rather intense, and he didn't know if he could look Hyunjin in the eye without losing all sense and tearing his clo-

No! No, Felix's mind screamed at him. Just because you dreamed about him being so far up your ass that he was pushing on your stomach doesn't mean he will be or wants to be. It doesn't mean anything that he said your name, it's normal...right?

Calm your horny ass down Felix, Hyunjin doesn't like you.

Felix repeated this in his mind like a mantra, trying to convince himself to chill out. It didn't seem to be working though, and if anything, his bulge just got bigger as his dream kept circling in his head.

Hyunjin wasn't having any better luck. He couldn't for the life of him get the sound of Felix jerking off out of his head. He wanted to see what it looked like so badly. He wanted to feel the freckled boy shiver in his grip, he wanted to hear him moan loudly in his ecstasy.

Hyunjin couldn't stop all the thoughts clouding his head, nor could he stop the bulge from growing again in his pants.

But come on, Felix had dreamed about him...had dreamed about fucking him. What was he supposed to do with that if not to take advantage of it?

"Dammit," he whispered as his bulge continued to grow uncomfortably. He didn't know how he was going to face everyone else with this obvious problem he was dealing with.

He put on a baggy red button down that semi-covered the problem and tight black jeans, hoping the combination would keep it in check for the most part.

It was also definitely mere coincidence that Felix had told him how good he looked in that shirt more than once.

The Vlive didn't start for another hour, so Hyunjin decided to just sit in his room and stew, not wanting to take the chance of running into Felix before he had to.

Chan called everybody to gather for the Vlive eventually, and Hyunjin finally felt ready to face the boys, including the freckled blonde that was currently driving him insane.

He was proven wholly and completely incorrect when his eyes locked on Felix as they entered the room from opposite sides.

"Fuck," Hyunjin whispered as his eyes met Felix's in an intense stare.

Felix was wearing the shirt. The shirt that always made Hyunjin weak. The one that he couldn't ever stop himself from touching when it was enveloping Felix's petite form.

"Fuck," he whispered again. This was going to be a long night. He could already feel his bulge reappearing just from looking at the other boy.

Felix wasn't doing much better.

As he caught sight of Hyunjin, his mind screamed, shit!

How is it possible that today out of all days he chooses to wear that shirt? How am I this unlucky?!

Felix couldn't stop his dick from twitching at the sight of his tall hyung in that crimson button down.

Felix flinched as he and Hyunjin made eye contact, and Felix saw a glint in Hyunjin's eyes that he'd never seen before. He didn't know what it was, but he knew it wasn't helping his situation in the slightest.

Hyunjin sat on the couch next to Minho and pulled Changbin down next to him, blocking himself off from the blonde looking for a seat, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

That is, until Jeongin pulled Felix down right next to him on the floor, so that Felix was seated directly in front of Hyunjin.

No matter how hard he tried, Hyunjin couldn't stop himself from starting to imagine what it would look like if they were in the same position, only with Felix facing Hyunjin this time.

He tried to shake the thought away, but it just wouldn't leave. All he could do was sit there, gulp, and squirm around so his erection wouldn't be seen by the others, while picturing the boy in front of him sucking him off.

His situation was becoming more and more visible, and he was starting to panic. He couldn't stop his mind, and he couldn't stop his body's reactions to his mind either.

Hyunjin didn't know what the hell to do, for the third time today.

That is, until he got a really, very, horribly bad idea in his head as he looked down at the younger in front of him.

No, he told himself. No, don't do it Hyunjin. This is a HORRIBLE idea, don't do it. You're only going to make it worse for yourself.

His body wouldn't listen to his mind, and so he opened his legs and pulled the blonde in between them, so that his erection would be covered by Felix, earning him a couple odd looks from the staff behind the camera.

Shit, he thought. He had pulled Felix too close.

Felix gasped as he was suddenly pulled backward. The boy looked side to side, confused as to what had just happened. He saw legs on either side of him, surrounding his body.

His eyes widened as he remembered who was sitting right behind him. He took a little breath, and then titled his head backward to look up at Hyunjin's face, searching for some explanation for his odd actions.

He didn't get very far though, because the back of his head hit something large and hard.

Hyunjin made a soft choked noise, not drawing the attention of the others, but loud enough for Felix to hear. Felix remembered standing in front of the bathroom door earlier, similar sounds coming from inside.

Felix's breath hitched as he put two and two together.

Hyunjin is hard.

Felix couldn't stop his arousal sprouting from the thought.

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