Love to Hate Me (Part 1)

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If there was one thing Felix knew, it was that he was was best at this job. He'd always known it, because everybody knew it. His friends, his teachers.

Where did everyone come for guidance? His room. Who had perfect marks on all of his kills? He did. Where had the best assignments always gone? Straight to his hands.


Unless he got to them first.

Because there was another thing Felix knew with his whole heart, his whole spirit, and that was that one of these days, he was going to kill Hwang Hyunjin in cold blood, assignment or no.

The way that stupid smirk perpetually rested on the brunette's annoying lips, the way he tried to be all dominating toward the vastly shorter and less muscular Felix.

And the way they were constantly in competition for the best jobs, the praise from instructors, the time with their friends. It may seem odd that they were in the same group of friends, yes, but when there are only eight people total in your squad, what are you supposed to do about that, really?

Felix and Hyunjin had always hated each other, always been rivals since the moment they met. The second they'd locked eyes for the first time, Felix had known the other would cause him nothing but trouble. He saw the insatiable hunger for power and success flickering in the other's eyes.

So, they'd entered into this pattern of competition between them, always vying to be the best in every sense of the word and beat each other in everything.

They even kept a constant mental scoreboard between them, keeping track of successes and failures on each end and causing the competition to reach new heights when the tables turned.

No matter what, the score never stayed tipped one way or the other for long. Felix would get a better mission, and Hyunjin would finish his assignment quicker. Then as a result, Hyunjin would be awarded the better mission, but then Felix would get assigned a double kill.

Back and forth it went, for three years, since they'd first been recruited. Petty fights, cocky appearances, sly smirks, all combined and piled on to the hatred inside both of them for the other, until they couldn't even think of each other without a burning feeling of rage igniting their veins.

And today was no different.

Currently, all eight boys were seated around a long, curved table, being briefed on all of the possible targets for the day, as they always were before the missions were divvied up.

For some reason, Hyunjin's face had been distracting Felix with its annoyingness more than usual today. He watched as the older boy reacted to their Director with over-exaggerated expressions, trying desperately to show that he was paying attention.

Felix rolled his eyes as he watched the other boy suck up to his fullest potential. Of course he had to go the extra mile like that, because when it came down to it, Hyunjin could never measure up to Felix on pure skill. Felix was sure of it.

The older was stuck in second best, only sometimes able to break the heavy lead Felix had over them all and push through to the top, until being quickly squashed back down by the younger boy once more.

And so he needed to kiss ass to get attention, just like the little, fake bitch he was.

The younger boy just sat back and watched the pathetic display, all but tuning out the Director as he finished up the break down and finally got into the assignments.

As usual, it went down the line, starting at the easiest assignments and working up to the most difficult.

Jeongin was the youngest, so naturally he got the least demanding job. Seungmin was next, because he's a little softie but surprisingly good at up close and personal kills, like a quick slit to the throat or a little pill in the drink.

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