Just Having Fun

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Major✨ smut warning! Like seriously this entire thing is just shameless smut.




"Agh Hyunjin, Jesus...fuck," moaned the freckled boy in a whisper.

Felix was riding Hyunjin, hard. Hyunjin's nails dug into Felix's ass as he moved quickly up and down on Hyunjin's...considerable cock.

"Oh god yes, Felix," Hyunjin moaned deep in his throat.

The blonde haired boy had his head leaned back against the wall and he was taking in the feeling and view of Felix doing all the work to get them to their orgasms.

Hyunjin was usually the one to do it, but today Felix had stepped up to the task.

He was doing an amazing job. Hyunjin never knew the smaller boy had such power in his slim hips. Hyunjin moaned again as he heard Felix quietly whimper, the younger trying not to make too much noise.

They were in a room away from the rest of the guys, but not very far away.

Felix had never done something so risky and kinky before. But he needed release, and he hadn't wanted to wait until they got back to the dorm.

The other boys were occupied anyway, deciding who would be each other's soulmates for some random video for STAYs. Hyunjin and Felix had already been so rudely eliminated by Changbin.

So Felix had brought Hyunjin into this little room, pushed him to the floor, and sunken down on his dick. Felix had silently cursed himself for not prepping earlier, because he most definitely needed to when it came to Hyunjin.

But he hadn't planned on this, so...he kind of had no choice. The pain had eventually subsided though, giving way to the pleasure currently coursing through him.

Felix wasn't usually the one to take the lead, but he was feeling impatient today, and Hyunjin looked really tired from last night.

The blonde continually bounced up and down on the older boy, relishing in the moans escaping said older.

Felix was trying to be quiet, but it seemed that Hyunjin couldn't care less. Felix put his hand over the older's mouth, shushing him, even though he loved the sounds, so they wouldn't be caught.

Hyunjin realized what Felix was doing and he quieted down the slightest bit, at least trying to be incognito.

Hyunjin's nails digging into Felix's ass was a sensation that the younger blonde never knew he loved before.

Felix bounced faster, getting frustrated that it was taking so long. It was his own fault for taking the lead.

He desperately wanted to feel Hyunjin's very mobile hips crashing into his ass. He wanted to feel Hyunjin pushing himself deeper until he reached that one spot...

Hyunjin heard a huff and another small whimper from the small boy, but this one was different. This one was frustrated and needy.

Hyunjin looked up to see a slightly desperate expression on Felix's face, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Hyunjin realized he hadn't heard Felix scream yet. Not even a muffled yelp.

Ohh, so that's why he's so frustrated...

Hyunjin hadn't hit his prostate yet. But, he hadn't been trying to. He'd figured that if Felix had wanted to hit it, he would have just done it himself on Hyunjin's dick.

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