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Felix could've counted on one hand, with three fingers how many times he'd seen his boyfriend this drunk. Once at a party after their first album release, to which Felix went as a staff member's date because, let's be honest, he kind of didn't understand the question and just nodded right along. The next time was at the private party at the dorms after they won Kingdom, wherein Felix and Jisung had their first kiss because they were too drunk to think any better of it.

And now. Right now. At the tiny little get together the boys were having after another successful day of Two Kids' Room shooting. It had been a while since they'd all hung out and gotten drunk together. Usually that event was saved for special occasions because to be perfectly honest they all became savages when drunk. Like really it was almost to the point where they had to put caution tape in front of the door to prevent any problems.

They were loud and messy, and everyone got just a bit too clingy when alcohol was coursing through their system. And of course, Felix was no better than the rest of them, which was why he was currently holding onto Changbin's right bicep for dear life as he whined for the older male to pay attention to him. It's not like he really needed Changbin's attention, but he had a question he had been wanting to ask since their filming that morning and he just wasn't listening!

He hadn't been shaking the older's arm for more than thirty seconds when a high pitched whine pierced his ears.

"Lixieeee," a voice called from across the room as the body moved closer and closer. "Pay attention to meee!"

The object of the plea was swiftly pulled away from babbling into his hyung's ear as his boyfriend plopped down directly next to him and immediately formed to his side, like a starfish would on a rock. A long leg was thrown over his lap and two muscled arms wrapped around his shoulders as a blonde mop of hair nuzzled into his neck. Hyunjin pulled Felix free of his grasp on Changbin, leaning backward and using all of his weight.

Felix slumped over on top of him, momentarily stunned in his drunken state by how he'd changed positions so suddenly, until that same whiny voice rang in his head again.

"Lixieee, I'm your boyfriend, not him," Hyunjin whined directly into Felix's sensitive eardrum. "You already had enough time to talk this morning."

Felix could almost hear the pout that was sure to be adorning the older's face at that very moment, and it prompted a similar pout to form on his own lips.

"But I wanna ask 'im a questionnnn Hyunjinnie," Felix whined back, contrastingly nuzzling into the warmth of his boyfriend's chest as he spoke.

Sloppily patting his head, Hyunjin tightened his grasp around Felix with his other arm to hold him in place.

"Ask later, kiss now," he mumbled, puckering his lips against the top of Felix's head.

At the feeling of his boyfriend's soft lips on him, Felix tilted his head to offer the older his neck with a sigh. When nothing more happened, he tilted further, the urge to feel those lips on his skin growing greater with every passing second that it didn't happen. He whined high in his throat, his foggy brain and already hot body not helping with his current state of mind.

Still, he felt no contact, and so he turned his head toward the other boy to ask why he would say he was going to get kisses if he didn't actually plan to give them. Just as he did, however, Hyunjin's hand reached up to the nape of Felix's neck to pull his head down and crash their lips together.

Momentarily stunned, Felix did nothing but sit there as his boyfriend sucked lightly on his lower lip, until his brain caught up and he let out a breathy moan. Felix was slightly shocked by such a suggestive display of affection in public. Hyunjin wasn't normally one to partake in such things, being much happier to have his way with the little blonde in private. But Felix just chalked it up to his drunken state and closed his eyes while finally leaning into the kiss.

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