Jealousy (Part 2) Feat. A fucking lot of Minlix

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I'm sorry, this one's kinda all Minlix, sorry I had to in order to fit the story, it'll be more hyunlix next time!


If there was one thing in the world that he could count on from Minho hyung, it would be that he always provided quite an excellent fuck. That's why Felix had chosen him as a fuck buddy in the first place.

They were both sexually frustrated, and so they thought, "what better way to take it out than on each other?"

So, they started this little deal. Friends with benefits. Anytime one or the other needed to fuck, the other would be there to help them out.

They were both slightly more frustrated than they let on originally however, and it ended up being an almost daily affair.

Wherever they were with the rest of the boys, if one of them gave the other the look, they'd make their way out and meet up in the closest bathroom, stairwell, closet, or really anywhere with a door and fuck each other's brains out.

Felix could admit, Minho was very, very skilled at sex. After their first time, he remembered where he'd found all of Felix's weak points to be, and he'd exploited them to the max. Felix was never left unsatisfied with Minho, and he appreciated that greatly.

But, he couldn't help but think that someone else could leave him even more satisfied...

Felix, what are you saying!? You're laying in bed with Minho right now, stop it!

Felix shook his head a bit, clearing the thoughts out of his mind. Minho was amazing, lovely, beautiful, and always such a gentleman to Felix. He always said the right things, hit the right spot, and looked good while doing it. 

And he always gave Felix his proper aftercare and cuddles. 

Right now even, the older boy was carefully wiping off Felix's chest with a wet towel he'd soaked in the bathroom sink. Felix could tell he was trying to be extra gentle today, as they'd done two back-to-back rounds, whereas usually they had a break in the middle.

Felix let out a soft chuckle at that thought, and Minho looked up at him, looking a little confused, but blushing anyway.

"Min, you can touch me, it's okay," Felix assured, trying to hold back his laughter.

"I know, sorry. Just..I'm just worried about you, Lix. Like, you're really fragile, and I didn't even give you a break today," Minho said, an apologetic tone evident in his voice.

"Hey!" Felix exclaimed, acting offended.

He whacked Minho playfully on the arm, causing the older boy to giggle at him. Minho stared at Felix fondly as he finished wiping off his abdomen, and patted his thigh softly, motioning for him to sit up.

Felix obliged happily and held his arms out to Minho, knowing that Minho wanted to take him to the bathroom to clean up before they could sleep.

Minho moved in between the younger boy's legs, wrapping his hands around the boy's small thighs and lifting him to wrap his legs around his waist with barely any effort at all.

Felix loved how small he felt in the older man's grip, knowing he'd always be safe with him.

From the beginning, Minho had established that Felix's safety and comfort were the most important things to him, and Felix had always been grateful for that. He'd never really been one to speak up for himself when he needed something, so Minho made it his mission to do it for him.

Felix sighed softly as he rested his face in the crook of Minho's neck, holding onto him tightly as the older boy stepped into the warm water of the shower.

Minho's hands made their way to the shampoo container at the back of the shower, and he squeezed it onto his hands before threading his fingers through Felix's slightly knotted hair.

There was a ledge in the shower where the older boy had placed Felix, knowing the younger wouldn't want or be able to stand up on his own. However, Felix still had his limbs wrapped tightly around him, so really the ledge was unnecessary.

Suddenly feeling extremely sleepy, Felix closed his eyes, with his head still resting on Minho's broad shoulder. Minho hummed softly as he cleaned them both, and the younger boy was quickly being lulled to sleep.

As much as he loved the sex that Minho gave him, this part that came after was almost better, because he just got to be cared for by somebody who cared about him.

Not to say Minho had feelings for him, nor to say he felt that way about Minho either. In fact, they both had someone else they were pining over, quite intensely for Felix at least, which led to this little arrangement in the first place.

They got their fill with a trusted friend, and then they could go back to sulking over their one sided loves.

They'd eventually leave each other, Felix knew, once either of them actually got their man or some other one, but for right now, Felix was completely content to be here with Minho. He was a good friend and a very trustworthy and lovable person.

Minho was completely content to be here with Felix too, but it was different for him. He'd long since gotten over his feelings for a certain squirrel looking male, and now his entire being was drawn to the sleepy blonde clinging onto him.

Originally, he'd agreed to this deal in order to distract himself from Jisung and maybe to make him a little jealous, but he couldn't help but be roped in by Felix, and in little to no time at all he'd fallen, hard.

Now the only thought present in Minho's head during his and Felix's exchanges was, "when is he going to leave me?"

Minho knew Felix would eventually leave him, once he and Hyunjin both got their heads out of their asses and realized how much they liked each other.

It broke Minho's heart, in all honesty, to think about his little Felix with someone other than him.

He didn't think he'd be able to handle hearing them through the walls like everyone else had to hear now.

Maybe Minho didn't want Felix to leave him. Maybe he was subtly trying to be more boyfriend-like to the younger blonde to show him how good they'd be together, maybe he went a little harder than usual on his ass to put Hyunjin in his place a little bit.

Maybe Minho was at the peak of happiness right here in this hot shower, Felix fucked out and clinging to him for dear life, sleepy and filled up to the brim with cum. Maybe he didn't want to let go.


Yay! Angst incoming.

Aaaalso, hella angst incoming in my other book too, so stay tuned!


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