Love to Hate Me (Part 2)

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Felix was still mentally cringing at that interaction with his least favorite person thirty minutes later, when he made his way to the garage to meet said least favorite boy to head out for their mission. They were both instructed to have on normal, every day wear, with large beanies, explainable by the cold weather, and masks covering the lower half of their faces.

It made them less suspicious looking, and it was the perfect incognito look for a high profile kill like they'd been assigned. The mission was to kidnap, torture a location out of, and eventually kill a wealthy, well-known businessman named Wang Yeonjung.

Felix shivered as he thought about it.

By no means was he or anybody else in the squad unaccustomed to torturing, it's just, Felix couldn't stand the sound of their screams. He was a pretty tough guy, but hearing people beg and cry out always did something to him that he didn't appreciate.

Always twisted his guts in such a way that would be considered weak were he to ever tell anybody about it. Especially Hyunjin. Felix just knew that Hyunjin would take that information and run with it, maybe even get him relegated to cleaning duty or kicked off the squad for it.

None of that mattered though, because Felix knew he would never tell anybody about it.

But, it's not like they weren't doing it for a good reason. Wang Yeonjung lead a horrible double life. He seemed like an angelic philanthropist to the public eye, that's for sure, but really, he was a scheming, maniacal sadist who enjoyed stealing children for fun.

His child trafficking ring was one of the largest in existence, and currently there were other squads under Director Park who were working to dismantle it.

Hongjoong and his team had everything prepped and ready, only waiting for the location that Felix and Hyunjin were supposed to get ahold of to strike.

That thought gave Felix's a bit of relief, knowing that he was helping to take a menace out of society, no matter how cruel the means of the taking were.

But he still held onto some residual nausea as he thought about what he was expected to do for the rest of the day, and it caused him to miss the shadow that passed behind him as he entered the garage and looked around.

Seeing Hyunjin lurking nowhere in the vast area, exactly 41 seconds after their agreed upon meeting time too, Felix's eyes immediately narrowed, wondering what the other was up to. If Hyunjin was anything, it was punctual. He'd never been late for a meeting before, even for Felix, and the younger didn't assume that he'd break that streak now.

And that's why his ears were able to pick up the almost nonexistent padding of shoes over the concrete floor at that very moment, his entire body on edge from the out of the ordinary circumstance. A smirk crept up onto his lips as he realized what was about to happen and as he pictured the way Hyunjin's face would fall in disappointment when his plan to harass the younger failed.

The footfalls came closer, until they stopped right behind Felix's back, and that was the moment the younger decided to whip around to come face to face with the annoying brunette in front of him.

To Felix's surprise, and delight, Hyunjin immediately stumbled backward, most likely startled by Felix's quick move, and tripped over his own feet, falling to the floor, rather...ungracefully.

A chuckle bubbled out of Felix's throat as he watched Hyunjin go down, almost in slow motion. He saw the look of shock on Hyunjin's face as the whole scene unfolded, and he couldn't deny that it felt extremely satisfying.

"Did you need something?," Felix asked innocently, desperately trying to keep the laugh from his voice as Hyunjin scrambled back to his feet.

The look on Hyunjin's face was priceless, annoyance and anger prominent in his features as he huffed quietly. He was pouting too, though Felix couldn't tell if he was aware of it or not, his full lower lip jutting out slightly.

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