Jealousy (Part 3-Final) Feat. Hyunminlix

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Eventually though, Minho had to let go, after he brought Felix out of the shower and dried off his sleepy head with a big towel. He clothed him in pajama bottoms and picked him up, ready to take the boy back to his own room.

Minho would have kept Felix in his own room, but the boy insisted that he get a good night's sleep in his own bed for whatever reason.

So, Minho opened his own door quietly, with Felix once again wrapped around his body, and made the quick journey one door over to the room that Felix shared with, what a coincidence, Hyunjin.

It's not like Felix had begged and pleaded with every member for hours to allow him to be Hyunjin's roommate or anything.

Nudging the door open with his foot, Minho popped his head into the room, scanning it to make sure his biggest competition was asleep before he entered.

Yes, Minho could be a bit petty if he wanted to be.

Felix was snoring lightly in his arms, having fallen back to sleep on the short walk over, and Minho kissed his forehead lightly before placing him gently on his bed and pulling up the covers.

He didn't want to leave, but he really was tired, even if he didn't want to admit it. Doing all the work for twice in a row really takes it out of you sometimes. Not that he was complaining.

As he turned around to leave, his eyes caught on the body in the other bed against the wall. Hyunjin was sleeping seemingly half naked, his lower half only semi covered by his blanket. Minho frowned at that.

Felix would most certainly wake up before this delinquent, and then he'd have free range to peep at him all he wanted. The oldest among the three sighed. He couldn't have that.

He made his way over to Hyunjin in the dark, intending to just pull up his covers so that Felix wouldn't be able to get a peek in the morning. But, it was dark, and he wasn't particularly looking where he was going, when his foot landed on something cold and sticky.

He instantly jumped back and knelt down to examine whatever it was in the dark. It seemed to be a black towel, half laying underneath Hyunjin's bed and the half Minho stepped on out in the open. He reached out to grab it, and his hand landed on the same cold substance as his foot had.


Minho hated being cold, hated anything cold really. He pulled his hand away quickly and jumped up, running quickly to his own bathroom to wash whatever it was off his hand and his foot.

He flipped on his light and held his hand in front of his eyes to see what he'd gotten on him, and immediately he cried out in disgust.


Quickly turning on the faucet, he shot his hand underneath in a desperate attempt to get the substance off of his fingers. He was beyond disgusted, and he quickly put his foot underneath the stream as well to clean it.

He desperately fought with the bile in his throat, scrubbing and scrubbing with soap violently.

Why the fuck did Hyunjin have a cum covered towel half hanging out from under his bed?

And it was still wet

Oh no.

No he didn't. He wouldn't...

Oh shit, Hyunjin.

Fucking pervert.

It was still wet, Minho and Felix were right next door, and they'd only been in the shower for less than ten minutes. He jerked off to them fucking.

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