Jealousy (Part 1) Feat. Minlix

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Hyunjin covered his earbud filled ears with his pillow on both sides, trying to block out the vulgar sounds coming from next door. He was blasting music in an attempt to drown the boys out, but he was failing...miserably.


Miserable really was the key word here. Hyunjin almost couldn't take it anymore, listening to his crush of two years get absolutely railed by someone else.

He wanted to be the one making the boy moan like that. He wanted to be the one between the boy's beautiful thighs, filling him up and ripping him apart.

He constantly fantasized doing just that, over and over, never letting the blonde leave his bed and worshipping his little body forever.

But he couldn't do that. Not when the boy was currently next door getting fucked into oblivion by someone else.

Hyunjin could tell from his screams that Minho was doing an exemplary job on the boy's ass, and his insides couldn't help but curl up in contempt and envy of the older.

How was it fair for Minho to swoop in and take Felix away from him when he'd been interested in him for far longer? How was it fair that Hyunjin had to listen to this almost every night?

How was it fair?! He was supposed to be in Minho's place right now, making love to the one he loved.

Minho doesn't even love him, Hyunjin thought. He's just there for the sex.

That thought always made him feel better, but he knew he was just kidding himself.

He'd seen the looks they gave each other during filming, when they thought no one was watching them.

He'd seen the secret touches behind cracked doors when they thought nobody was around.

All of it just made the envy worse for Hyunjin. He knew he could make Felix so much happier than the body he was currently using to get off.

"Ahhh, hahhh-, mmhhmhm."

He heard the high, breathy moan from Felix next door, signaling to Hyunjin that the beautiful blonde had cum. He hated himself for it, but the erotic sound had sparked something inside him, and he felt himself getting hard. Rapidly.

He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, trying to calm himself down and make it go away.

It didn't.

Especially when he heard the moans pick back up again, this time a little pained, probably from the overstimulation. But he didn't try to block his ears with his pillow now. This time he needed it.

He was fully hard now, so hard that it hurt, bad. Hyunjin's need for release was growing stronger by the minute, the second. He couldn't hold out much longer.

He knew what he needed to do, and it took all his control to keep himself from doing it to the sound of his crush moaning because of someone else. He wouldn't lower himself to that level of desperate.

He wouldn't cum from Felix's noises until he was the one forcing them out of the blonde's mouth.

But, Hyunjin only had so much strength in him. Felix kept moaning, and Hyunjin still hadn't put the pillow back over his ears.

His hands unconsciously made their way down his stomach to his waistband, and before he knew it, his sweatpants were pulled down to his knees and he was holding his aching cock in his hand.

Even just that much stimulation on his touch deprived body had him groaning, as he anticipated his next moves. His head fell back and his lips opened slightly.

Hyunjin lightly ghosted the tip, listening to another breathy moan escape Felix. Hyunjin closed his eyes, picturing the boy in the same room as him, hovering over him, holding his dick.

Hyunjin knew the boy would have to use both of his tiny hands to jerk him off, compared to Hyunjin's one hand on his own dick. Oh, so many sinful times he'd done the math to check.

He pressed down on his slit after coating the finger in saliva, wanting to feel how it would feel if Felix's warm tongue were to do the same thing. He imagined what it would feel like to have the moans he could hear now vibrating his dick. He imagined it would feel amazing.

Hyunjin moaned Felix's name softly, seeing the boy shiver at the word in his mind.

Felix's sounds we're becoming more desperate, and Hyunjin could tell he was not too far from his release. Hyunjin quickened his pace on himself, wanting to cum at the same time as the boy. He jerked fast and rough, just the way he would want to do it inside of Felix.

"Felix, F-Felix, god," Hyunjin whispered desperately.

Listening to Felix's moans, he got closer and closer to the edge, until he was holding on, only waiting to hear the boy's orgasm to let himself do the same.

"Minho, Minho, MINHO! I'm close, oh god hyung don't stop now. Faster please!"

Hyunjin could hear Minho speed up with a moan, obliging the younger's request. The sound of Felix's headboard slamming against the wall soon entered his ears.

Felix's moans we're on the verge of reaching their peak, and tears were pooling in Hyunjin's eyes as he was waiting for the sound he needed.

"Hyu-hyun-hyung! Mmhm-ah. Oh my god, Hyunj-um, hyung I'm cumming!"

Yes, finally!

Hyunjin let himself go, and cum shot out of him rapidly, washing his chest and abdomen.

He bit his lip to keep in the loud moan that was trying to escape him, and he whimpered instead. He rode out his high, rubbing lightly over his rubbed out cock.

As the wave faded, he thought it back over. In all honesty, he knew it was beyond wrong to be doing this, but he just could not control himself around the boy. He was in too deep, and the only way he could be pulled out is if he finally got to fuck Felix.

Got to feel how tight he was, got to see how sinful he could be between the sheets.

He put on a cute and innocent persona in front of the cameras and in front of everyone else, but he couldn't hide from the boys.

Not when they had to hear his moans, basically nightly, as he got fucked.

He remembered the most beautiful, extraordinary sounds that came out of Felix when he came, along with his exclamations to Minho.

"'Hyu-hyun-hyung! Mmhm-ah. Oh my god, Hyunj-um, hyung I'm cumming!'"

God, what Hyunjin wouldn't give to have Felix screaming his name as he came. To have him yelling Hyunj-



No, there's no way. No chance.

Felix was simply calling Minho "hyung." That must be it.

But, what if...

No, Hyunjin. Do not go there. If Felix wanted to be with you, he'd be with you. Stop being delusional for five seconds. He doesn't love you, he loves Minho hyung. Get that through your thick ass head.

Hyunjin sighed. This crush was getting to be a bit too much. He'd just jerked off to the sound of his moans! But would he ever stop loving the boy? No, no he wouldn't.

He heard the bed creak once again in the other room, and it brought him back to the harsh reality.

Felix is in there with another man, and you've lost your chance.

The last two have just been absolutely shameless smut, I think we're due for a bit of angst now, so this one will have a bit of that😏

Hope you liked it<3

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