Love to Hate Me (Part 3)

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TW: Plotted assassination (not really, they're just trying to tranquilize him), gun kink?


Felix followed suit not long after, desperate to rid himself of the growing tension that was forming right behind his sternum. He didn't know what it was exactly, he just knew that it was uncomfortable and weird and it had only started since he'd been interacting with Hyunjin that day.

And that thought successfully assisted in getting Felix riled up in anger once more. What right did Hyunjin have to get on his nerves and ruin his day by worming his way into his mind?

Hyunjin should've had no effect on Felix, because he did not matter to him one bit, but here Felix was, dealing with the memory of what they talked about in the car and feeling a weird pull in his body every time he thought about it.

Anything that coincidentally closely related to Hyunjin was bad news in Felix's book.

The boys didn't talk as they prepared their weapons and bags and made their way inside the building. Felix was fuming at this point, ready to drop everything and beat the other to a pulp with a single provocative word, and Hyunjin was not close behind that feeling either.

What would they do now if suddenly they felt empathy for each other? How would Felix be able to take the best missions time after time if he knew what Hyunjin felt about it? How would Hyunjin be able to continue punching Felix after he was already down in sparring if he remembered how that moment of connection felt? How liberating it had felt.

It was easy to refuse the change, so much easier to just pile onto their hatred and ramp it up tenfold than try to navigate something new.

Twenty flights of stairs they walked up, and still they refused to exchange a single word, the emptiness of the condemned office building they were in only amplifying silence. Their footsteps echoed on the stairs, deafeningly loud in the awkward quiet.

The rage flowed through Felix's veins like bubbling lava at this point and threatened to make him explode. But he would wait. Would wait until he really needed to use that rage to get him something he wanted. He couldn't blow his cool too soon, otherwise Hyunjin would be able to take all the credit for the mission while he was fuming on the sidelines, incapacitated by the gravity of his rage.

The unspoken contest between the boys began again as they entered the deserted floor, a look in their eyes indicating to the other that the odd moment of sappiness was long over and would remain that way. It was weirdly comforting to Felix.

They had been informed from the folder that Wang would be working in his office, the building just across the street from where the two assassins now stood. Conveniently, Wang's office was apparently made completely of glass, perfect for a sniper to get a good angle.

It was Hyunjin who finished assembling his gun first, clearing his throat with an obvious smirk on his face as Felix glanced up at him in anger. Of course he'd be smug about it. It's not like they were on a team here or anything.

Finally, Felix finished and then they both went over to the window and peered out in the direction of Wang's company. Immediately the smirk fell off of Hyunjin's face, and Felix's mouth opened wide in shock. Every single office on the thirty or so floors they could see was made of glass. There were no differences between the levels, no indication of where their target would be.

"Well that's just fucking fantastic," Felix remarked, finally breaking the silent standoff. "Couldn't have given us more to go on, Park?"

Hyunjin snorted.

"What, afraid of a little hard work?"

Yep, the hatred was back now. In full swing.

A huff echoed through the empty room as Felix spun on his heel and went back to his bag to retrieve his binoculars. It shouldn't be too hard to spot the aura of satan incarnate sitting in his office chair, should it?

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