DON'T Leave the Door Open (Changbin)

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The next time it happened, Changbin couldn't believe his fucking luck.

He'd been having a rough day already. His tracks weren't working out like he thought they would, he couldn't stay on beat when he was recording, and his stomach kept growling no matter how many granola bars he inhaled. Chan had already left, surprisingly, and Han was...well, Changbin actually had no clue where Han was and frankly he didn't really care.

All in all his day had been pretty objectively sucky, and so he felt like no one could blame him for needing a little relief. Sure, he was still at the studio, but the door was closed and it was late enough into the night that the place would be nearly empty, and honestly, Changbin just really needed this right now and he didn't care.

He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans quickly in his chair, pulling out his not-yet-hard cock and wrapping a hand around it. Changbin was not a person that was overly fond of jerking off, nor did he do it on a regular basis. Honestly, in his opinion it took too long and was far too messy to be worth it. Really, he always ended up with a sore arm, a tired body, and a slightly unsatisfactory orgasm.

So this was kind of a last ditch resort for stress relief. He started out slowly at first, not very sensitive yet and not wanting to hurt himself by pulling too hard. His hand worked over himself as his eyes fluttered closed and he leaned his head back on the headrest of the chair with a sigh. It was a little bit depraved, but the thought of him doing this in the studio and nobody knowing he had excited him a bit. At least enough so that, combined with the friction of his hand, he got hard slightly faster than usual.

Once his dick was completely hard and began leaking little drips of precum every so often, Changbin sped up his pace, reveling in the newfound glide that the precum allowed him over himself. A groan left his lips as he thumbed over his tip, and he bit his lower one as he eyed the door, wondering how much people outside could actually hear.

The walls were somewhat soundproof, don't get him wrong, but Changbin knew for a fact that the door was not, and if anybody were to put their ear against it, they would be able to hear him loud and clear.

But Changbin wasn't really loud when it came to stuff like this, even though his everyday interactions with just about anyone would beg to differ. The third oldest didn't really like being loud with this though, it always made him self-conscious, too aware of what he was doing and probably how stupid he would look to a third party while doing it. Those thoughts always managed to swiftly and unforgivingly turn him off, so he usually elected to veer away from noises as a caution.

Maintaining his steady pace, Changbin brought his other hand under his shirt, lightly flicking his own hardened nipples while he rubbed over his slit. The most he allowed himself then was a sigh as he sank further down into his chair.

But as the minutes dragged on and Changbin felt himself being pulled no closer to the edge, despite his steadily increasing pace, the calm that had subtly washed over him began to wear off. He slowly edged toward desperation as he watched the second hand on the clock above the door count down minute after minute and he still found that nothing could yank him to the edge.

He whined at the exertion he was forced into, wishing that he had somebody that could help him. Maybe to use their mouth on him. Maybe just for him to watch. Maybe even two somebodies to watch. And when the thought of that sparked a rather fierce kick in his dick, he jumped on it.

Two somebodies. Maybe sitting on the couch in front of him, making out, grinding on each other even. Little whines leaving the smaller of the pair as the bigger one left wet kisses over his neck. Head tilted back, the younger would brush his hands down the older's arms, reaching between them to palm the other one's dick.

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