That Stupid T-Shirt (Part 4-Final)

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Exams are over, so here's some fluffy smut for ya! <3
(I really am a sucker for fluffy smut I'm not gonna lie)

He bit down on the space where Felix's jaw met his neck, and Felix's body shook as he moaned much louder than before. The feeling traveled up his spine, branching out to every fiber of his being like an electric shock as Hyunjin continued kissing there.

"Found it," Hyunjin chuckled quietly.

Felix didn't respond, only closed his eyes and threaded his fingers through Hyunjin's hair as the older boy clamped down on that spot and sucked on it.

Felix had never dreamed that he'd be this lucky. Just last night he was in tears, thinking he would forever pine over someone who would never want him.

He'd lied to that very same boy, told him he was stressed about their lives and responsibilities, rather than telling him the truth that he was devastated that Hyunjin would never love him properly.

He'd taken some comfort in Hyunjin's embrace though, loving the feeling of being encompassed by the larger boy, even if he thought he would never get more.

But now, he felt like he was in a fever dream. To have his crush on top of him, kissing him, solely focused on him, was unbelievable. He'd never been this aroused in his entire life, and he never wanted it to end.

He would've been content to have Hyunjin kiss his neck forever, but the older boy quickly heated things up, as he made his way back to Felix's mouth and stuck his tongue in forcefully.

Felix gasped in surprise at Hyunjin's harshness, unaccustomed to this attitude from him, but not disliking it.

Neither did he dislike when said older boy brought his hands up to Felix's exposed chest and ran his fingers over one of his nipples lightly.

Hyunjin couldn't have known, but Felix was extremely sensitive. Just the slightest touch and he was moaning into Hyunjin's mouth at the contact, pulling him even closer by his neck.

Hyunjin widened his eyes at Felix's reaction to his touch, and he smirked while kissing him. His fingers found their way around his nipple and he squeezed softly.

Felix gasped and bit Hyunjin's bottom lip harshly.

Hyunjin pulled his lips out of Felix's grasp, away from the boy's mouth completely, and he placed them around the nipple unoccupied by his fingers.

Felix immediately threaded his fingers through Hyunjin's hair and tugged softly, arching his back off the bed at the feeling. Moans escaped his parted lips as his eyes closed tight, focus narrowing to the sensations on his chest.

It was quickly taken away though, as Hyunjin began moving further down Felix's chest, biting lightly and licking as he made his way down to the younger boy's waistband.

He licked over the place where the fabric and the boy's skin met, wetting the material with his saliva. Hyunjin locked eyes with Felix as he maneuvered the button of the skintight pants open with his tongue, and then unzipped them, taking the zipper between his teeth to pull it down.

Feeling Hyunjin's gaze burning through him into his soul, Felix looked away from the boy on top of him and moaned as he rested his head on the bed.

Hyunjin's slim fingers wiggled their way under the waistband of his pants and he pulled them down quickly, chucking them across the room once they were completely off to get rid of the now useless garment.

Felix giggled as he watched them land in the corner, before he turned his eyes back to Hyunjin, now kneeling between his legs, eyeing his bulge that was rather evident in his underwear.

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