Chapter 4: Part XI - InTerMiSion - Abyssmal Disappointment

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On the other side of the field where the wicked grass grows, ancient ruins hum some forgotten tune, dangling in between sacred waterfalls from yonder. In a particular room with gaping ceilings and cluttered rubbles on the floor, there were 2 small bursts of particles, one blue, one white.

The abyss mages have come back to where the heroes have last left the scene, to their temple, clean of any treasure. The Cryo one, Gelu, kicks over what used to be a heavy chest to reveal only dust while the Hydro one, Wasser, throws down a black and red earring it had found, stamping their bird legs furiously.

"What is this buffoonery??"

"Shh, I need to concentrate." Gelu pulls out its broken staff and traces something around a nearby campfire.

"But this always happen! If-if I see those rats one more time, I'll send them flying for Celestia!!"

"If you don't go there first, squishy head."

Gelu whispers something into the damp sticks and blue flames ignite the ashes.

"F-forgive us!" Gelu bows down in front of the figure of pure darkness and deep-sea, flickering the flames. Wasser quickly joins in the bow.

<<How dare you fools contact me?>> An outer-worldly voice booms at them.

"Some peasants had caught us by surprise! They even defeated Warden 1.19 to ransack the place!"

<<And you dare to report your failures to me???>>

Gelu and Wasser bow even lower.

"The-the Travelers had discovered how to properly utilise the pyro slime bombs!"

<<So? You fools get blown up every time.>>

"It's not just any Traveler! It's the Outlander!"


"They have an adeptus with them too!"


<<...the Travelers... what are they thinking?>>


"It's not our fault!" Wasser shouts and Gelu grabs its head down.

<<...hmm, hehe, hahaha, AHAHAHAHAHA>>

The commander roars and the abyss mages shake in fear.

<<Able to convince those petty immortals to join beating such lowly creatures as you scum? How they go to new lows is beyond me...>>

"We-we're terribly sorry!"

<<As fools should be!>>

The fire blasts out a purple shockwave, sending the abyss mages rolling, and the walls around them shuddering.


<<But their recent progress...Intriguing...>>

"We-we shall be get g-going..."

"We shall retrieve the treasures!"

<<And report to me every last drop of information about them. Do not disappoint.>>

The call stops and the fire vanishes.

The abyss mages breathe a sigh of relief when they hear the clanging of metals. They dive under a broken pillar for cover.

"The doors in sight, men. Stand strong!"

"Oh gee Big Gao, is this the last one yet?"


The humans march along, hurdling over their shoulders brown, heavy, sagging bags.

"More bastards!" Wasser rolls up their sleeve, and charges forward, staff glowing. Gelu holds them back by the collar.

It whispered urgently, "No! There's too many of them now!!"

"But the treasures!" Wasser wiggles its arms in an attempt to shake the other off.

"Our wands are broken! We need back up!"

"We have one job, one job!"

Gelu heaves them and they crash onto the floor.

"What's that?"

The abyss mages hold their breath as light footsteps walk their way. Thud, thud, thud.

The treasure hoarder looks left and right but finds no one. Slower, heavier footsteps follow him.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah! Big Gao, you scared me!"

"It's like ya seen a ghost."

"I heard..."

"Let's go now. This place is getting on all our nerves."

The abyss mages breathe again as the humans turn away.

"I have a better idea," Gelu whispers. It cups its hand to its mask and quickly spits out a piece of ice straight into the neck of the lanky human. The man scratches the spot.
"What the...?"
"Let's. go."

As the magic gate hums from the last of the human departure, Wasser asks,

"What's that?"

"We'll see... we'll see... Mwahahahaha..."

Wasser, still clueless, joins in anyways, and the maniacal cackles through the empty hallways.


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