Chapter 6: Part XVII - Hello Mr. Cuddles!

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Popsicle exorcist, popsicle exorcist, Klee follows the blue wispy cryo trails through the forest. Where are you?~

Hmm... what's an exorcist? I need to ask Big Bro later.

Klee jumps out of a bush and sees a biiiig house. It has red walls and lots of grapes. Ooh, Klee hasn't have grape juice in a long time! She should go taste some–

Oh no, Klee remembers playing Windtrace with Uncle Kaeya here.

There's movement inside the house. Klee spies a redhead through the big window.

This is the grumpy grownup's house! Klee should go elsewhere.

Klee is planning her next move like a good kid when she hears others shuffling in the bushes.

2 funny-looking people are teasing each other in the bushes. Oh oh! And Klee notices that their ears look like Mr. Dodocco's! And their mouths are pointy and beaky just like Mr. Fluffball! Only this one is blue, and that one is white. They must be cousins! She listens to them very attentively.

"Why are we here? Isn't this the Dark Knight's headquarters?" The blue one asks in a screechy low voice.

"Because someone had the great idea to blow up our last plan!" The white one answers, its voice a little more raspier and high-pitched than its cousin.

"Hey! It would've worked alright up until you took up that suspicious-looking doll!" The blue one complains.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know the Mondstadters are smart enough to make their own inner wall security system! How much would selling scraps get us anyways?"

"It's slow but steady! Unlike your curse."

"W-well, if it's not for those pesky swordsman and adeptus, my hilichurl horde would've retrieved all our treasures in no time!"

Treasure? Klee is now very interested. She rolls sneakily to a closer bush. She is–what does Uncle's Kaeya call it? Yes! She is eavesdropping on them better.

"If you're so confident, why did you come with me instead of watching them?"

"Because-because, how insolent of you to judge me!"

Klee quietly laughs as Klee watches them argue like Master Diluc and Uncle Kaeya.

"Anyways, we're going to steal where it hurts most!" says Mr. White Fluffball.

"The bank?" asks Mr. Blue Fluffball.


"The treasury?"


"Some rich guy's house?"

"No-Well close, but no!"

"I don't see how coming to that redhead's lair would do anything."

"Think, Wasser, think. What do Mondstadters obsess over?"

"The Deaconess of Favonius Church?"

"Wine! Idiot. And before that, grapes ."

"Oooh, nope. Not a clue."

"We're gonna take the grape hostage! If they don't pay, we'll burn it all. Soon, they won't won't have any wine to drink for yearssss!"


They laugh a very evil, high-pitched laugh.

Hostage? That sounds like a very eeeevil word. Klee gasps with realization. They must be planning something very bad to the grownup's grapes! And if Uncle Kaeya doesn't get his grape juice, he would be very, very sad.

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