Chapter 4: Part X - Rooftop Charades

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Darn these stairs , James silently thinks as the others jog up ahead of him. Not only does he have to keep his breath steady, to lessen any heat flares, he also avoids the occasional Bennett that trips over. In-game, walking around doesn't take stamina, only climbing and running does, but James guesses he did climb up these stairs.

"There you are," Xiao notes to his friend who pulls himself up, clutching the railings and dripping with sweat. As a last attempt to save his sanity, James takes out his slime jelly ice cream and stuffs it into his mouth. He exhales in relief as the cool, sweet flavor numbs his senses.

"Any progress so far?" He mumbles.

"Not really." Gui closes the book in his hands.

"Many of them are business books," Felix says, pointing through the shelves of crusty papers and nudging one out. "Like this, 'Scrolls of diligence', 'Records of Jueyun', and other novels. I think the closest is 'Palace Beneath the Sea' or 'Mountain Spirits', but I'm not sure... Wow, is that Legend of Halberd ?"

James has no idea what his friend just said, so he turns to Gui.

"You can start here." Gui hands James a book and finds another. James examines it. Something about... silk flowers?

"I don't think this is related to any treasures... Gui? What are you looking at?-"

James blinks and he meets the blue skies above. His back slams on a hard surface and skids along. What was that for?

Gui makes a shushing motion at the gang (all hurled up together too) and James hears jingling of bells skipping into the Bookhouse.


James looks over the roof at a boy, about his age, with navy hair and azure frilly jacket, lined with delicate golden swirls. He remembers those amber eyes from anywhere, flitting around the bookshop with a gleam of mischief.

"...Hmm, have my eyes deceived me?" The stranger lets out a carefree sigh, and James clutches his chest. His heart, no, Chongyun's heart almost leaps out. That's not normal.

This is Xingqiu, the second heir of the infamous Feiyun Commerce Guild, a very wealthy business family in Liyue. James used to main him before changing to Chongyun, so he is a little fond of the lad. However, to be inserted into the canon "best friend" of Xingqiu is a whole other matter...

"Seriously? Again?!" His train of thoughts is cut off again by Addy and Gui squabbling."If you're not going, I'm going down!"

"No! We may have missed Zhongli, but-"

"And Childe"

"-and Childe, but whatever! We can't trust this guy. He probably reads... all kinds of things and would rat us out by a mile!"

"But he's only looking for me," says James. "Wouldn't it be more suspicious if I, I mean, Chongyun suddenly disappeared?"

"Maybe but-"

Anddd Felix decided this is the best time to fall off the roof, again. James gets ahold of the other's collar and chugs him back, but the whole momentum lifts him off the roof, slamming onto the cold, hard ground.

"Woah! Are you alright, Yun?"

Xingqiu quickly holds his friend right back up. A shiver runs through Chongyun's spine at how soft it is. The other must have sensed his rapidly burning insides and let go just as fast.

"Ahem... May I inquire to what you have been doing up there, above the roof?"

"Haha, uh, yeah, just couldn't reach one of those pesky little ghosts..." James swiftly sends a pleading face to his friends on the roof. Help me . Suddenly, a warm gust of wind blows at his side. He rotates and sees Xingqiu, so- close...!?! The book slips from James' hand and he bounces it around, yet it falls into Xinqiu's arms.

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