Chapter I

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Irene's POV

I just finished filming the last scene for my drama. It's been months since we started filming. I'm exhausted, I want rest after all this.

"Where do you want to go after this? Europe?" Wendy asked. Wendy is my friend slash manager.

"There's no way I'm travelling after this." I said as I went to my dressing room.

"But that's what you said before the filming even started. You even said you wanted to go to this idol's concert." that's when my eyes lit up. I face her.

"You got me a ticket already?" I said all smiley.

"Don't get all too happy bae. You haven't even told me who's the idol you're talking about, how can I buy you ticket?" I rolled my eyes and go enter my room to change. I can still hear Wendy shouting.

"Yah! I'm your friend but you didn't even told me you're into an idol. If you want to meet this person, why don't you just use your connections. You have idol friends too, I know, I'm sure one of them is close to this person." I finished changing and went out.

"I refuse to ask someone's help in meeting her." I plainly said and went to get my things. "If universe let us meet then I'll take that chance."

"Yet you're asking me to buy ticket to her concert-- wait!" I was flustered at her sudden change of tone.

"Yah! don't do that!" I shouted and went out. The staff greeted me and all. I know Wendy is following from behind. I automatically went out because I know what Wendy just realized. I don't want to talk about it in a place where anyone could just walk in and hear what she had to say. I stop in my track when someone calls out for me.

"Hey Irene." He said catchhing his breathe. Did he ran?

"Bogum." I said. He's my co actor in this drama. He's actually good, no wonder he's famous worldwide.

"You're going home already?" I just nodded. "But they said we're all having dinner together to celebrate. Aren't you coming?" He said.

"No. My manager already told the heads that I can't celebrate with you guys. Don't worry I'll make sure to celebrate with you when the drama comes out." I patted his shoulder and walk away. I see Wendy was already waiting in the car, with her arms crossed. God! Why did she arrived there first? It made her look scary. I got stopped again with a hand on my wrist.

"Wait Irene. I know this is a little weird-- what? No. Not weird. I mean..." I chuckled at that. "Don't laugh." Bogum said.

"I didn't know you are cute when you're nervous, but go on." I said, holding in my giggle.

"Now that just gave me confidence." he said and I laugh again.

"Okay then..." I waited.

"Do you maybe want to have dinner with me? Not tonight maybe someday?" he's still nervous tho. I guess the confidence that was added was not enough.

"I don't want to get all too assuming, but you're asking me on a date. Right?" I said to him.

"Right! So..." I look up to him. Oh God! I'm too gay for this.

"You're a good guy Bogum-" I guess he was not expecting that. His expression just changed.

"Well, I guess that's a no." I nodded at him.

"I'm sorry." I said

"No, don't apologize. It's fine. I guess I'm just not your type, even if you think I'm cute." he look up acting all cute all of a sudden. I laugh. "Friends?" He held out his hand. I accepted it.

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