Chapter XXV (Finale)

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Irene's POV

No confirmation was done, after those new pictures of Seulgi and I went viral again. Our companies chose to be silent about it, this time. They said the confirmation should not come from them. Seulgi and I already thought about it and we do think we owe everyone the truth, specially our fans.

After a new article was released, we became a hot topic again. But this time, people seemed to be sure about our relationship already. It can't be blamed, because they have clear evidences already. Some people may be against it and are still in denial about it but as long as our fans understands, we're fine.

About Seulgi and I's relationship, we're actually doing okay. We already have an understanding as to where we want our relationship to go. To be honest now, I'm enjoying the time we've been having together, that I feel really lazy to go back to work already.

"Unnie, are you ready?" I have my new manager peeked through the door. She reminds me so much of Seulgi. I already asked them if they're somewhat related, but they're not. I miss her already.

"I mean, I have to." I stand up from the chair.

Time had passed. Seulgi is now preparing for her concert, while I'm here at the press conference of the new drama. We barely have time for each other now. Yeah! I'm being dramatic. My phone suddenly vibrated, I looked at it before facing my new manager.

"You told her, didn't you?" I asked. She just smiled and said sorry.

"Wendy unnie, always asks for updates." I just received a message from Wendy telling me that missing Seulgi is making me lazy.

"You told her, I'm lazy?" I crossed my arms, she was shocked at what I said.

"Oh no! I just told her, you look like you're not in the mood to do this." She said.

"That's the same thing in--" My phone rang. I answered it the moment I saw the caller ID.

"Yaaah! Where are you!? The conference is starting already, you're nowhere to be seen." Wendy's voice was so loud.

"You're here?!"

"Yah! there's not time for this! Where's Yeji?" Wendy asked. I look at my manager who seemed to be curious of my stare.

"She's here with me."

"Tell her if she don't want me to return and make her lose her job, she needs to bring you here already!" Wendy shouted. I move the phone away from my ear, then I just realized what Wendy just said.

"The conference is starting already?!" This time, I'm the one who shouted. I look at my manager, it seems like she just realized too. OH God! Please tell me, I chose the right person for the job.

I ended the call with Wendy. I then dragged my manager out of the dressing room, and run to where he conference will be held. Just before we could arrive there, I suddenly bump into someone. Not literally, bump into someone, a person just blocked our way. I didn't bother looking up anymore.

"Excuse me, can you please--" The person just grabbed me on my wrist and hugged me. huh? I was about to push her when I recognized her smell. Now, that sounds weird. I can't help it but hug her back. It felt like I gained energy, just knowing that she's here.

"Good luck, love. Know that I'm already proud of you." She said. Then that's where it hits me. I pushed her away and glared at her. As if she was expecting it already, she ran behind Yeji. "Drag her, she is already needed there." And just like what she said, Yeji did dragged me away from her. I just let Yeji, since I know we're late already.

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