Chapter VI

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Irene's POV

Wendy made Joy calm down. They already went out. Wendy was contemplating at first if she will leave me now but I told her, her girlfriend needs her more. I promised her not to go out without her or anyone, to assure her that I'll be fine. I need Wendy in times like this but Wendy needs to understand things, with her girlfriend, first. She needs to put herself first before me.

I still have a lot of things on my plate. This controversy that I'm in, I don't know where to start in fixing it. Should I just post something on my social media? Or I'll just send to something to the heads and let them do things. Right! I'll do that. I search for my phone and when I got a hold of it, someone got it from me.

"You're not allowed to use your phone for now, unnie." Yeri said. Her eyes looks like she came from crying so much, which she did. I just look at her as she keeps on talking. Yeri, you're hurting. I come up to her and give her a hug, she was flustered by it at first but she soon give in.

"I won't ask anything Yerim-ah. I'm just here for you." I said those words and she tightens the hug.

"Unnie, I'm suppose to be the one comforting you now. It's what I came here for." Yeri move away from me.

"I'm not hurt Yerim, no need for comforting, but you need it tho." I ruffle her hair. "If only I knew, you are not in good terms with Joy, I would've tried my best not to make you come here." Yeri chuckled.

"You didn't even have to ask a question, your curiosity is on another level unnie." I just realized what I said.

"You don't have to tell me." I said.

"You sure?" She teased. I want to know but I also don't. I nodded.

"Can you give me my phone back?" I still have to call my the company.

"No, unnie. You can't use your phone unless the issue die down first." Yeri said.

"How will the issue die down if you won't give me that." I told her, she just give me a questioning look. "I'll call the company tell them to release a statement denying the rumor." Yeri was taken aback by that.

"Isn't Seulgi unnie's company releasing one?" Yeri asked as she gave me my phone back.

"I can't believe you're counting on that, now." Jimin came out from nowhere. "After all that happened earlier? After all that you've said? For fuck's sake! You had Joy unnie begging on her knees, for you earlier, just to at least listen up to her. She wasn't even at fault to begin with." Jimin said harshly to Yeri. I don't get it! How did we came back to what happened earlier when we're talking about Seulgi? "You could've at least let her tell her side, instead of blazing out all your anger and frustrations to her. What happened 7 years ago wasn't her fault. You didn't have to be that person to Joy unnie."

"You don't know anything Jimin." Yeri said to Jimin.

"Trust me unnie. I know everything I needed to know." Jimin said.

"Great! Then you know how much it hurt when they just left all of a sudden! They just disappeared at the time we needed them most! They were suppose to be with us! I was left all alone Jimin! You have seen it all!" Yeri is in range again. "You can't blame me to be that mad at Sooyoung unnie! She was the last person I've expected to leave us, leave me!" Yeri's crying again. Jimin's eyes tell that she regrets saying those things to Yeri. "I was just so young, and so were you! I didn't know what to do with unnie! What to say to her!" Wait! Is she talking about me? I can't take it anymore...

"What the fuck is happening!?" The both of them look at me in shock and at that moment I think Yeri just regret bursting things out. It's like they burst out a secret I wasn't wasn't suppose to know. I guess they're really talking about me, but how come Joy is involve? We just met, perhaps...

"Unnie." Yeri quickly wipe her tears off, so did Jimin. "It's--"

"I'm not that stupid Yerim. I know what I heard and I understood it well. Are there still things you haven't told me?" Here I thought I knew everything already. This just made me question everything again. Yeri stayed silent. I face my sister, she had this apologetic look. "Jimin..."

"Unnie, I'm sorry." Jimin just look down. What the heck!?

"Why are you all apologizing to me?! First, it was Joy and now you?" I shouted, frustratedly. I don't get what's happening now.

"Unnie, can you calm down first." Yeri come up to me. Really?!

"I can do that Yeri. If you promise to tell me everything this time." Yeri froze. Is it that hard to tell me? My phone started buzzing but I just ignore it.

"Unnie, that might be important." Yeri said stuttering.

"I don't care." I said. She took my phone from me again and answer the call. "Yah! Kim Yerim!" Is she really that desperate not to tell me?

"Hello? This is Kim Yeri... Yes." She spoke. She looked at me, full of nervousness. What now?! "No. The rumor's not true... What?! We have those kind of photos too? Does that mean we're also dating?" What photos? "Are you really believing in some random people's comment about it?" Okay that's it! I stole my phone from Yeri. She tried to get it, I glared at her, that made her stop.

"Hello, this is Irene." I said.

"Okay. What I'm saying here is, it's okay if you're really dating her, Irene." What?! They aren't against the idea of me dating a woman? "We will support you. You have been working hard since your debut, you never once gave us a problem. If this is really true, then the company will support and protect you." I didn't expect this. "Wendy must have talked to you already about how this will affect your career. She's right about that, but it's still your choice Irene. We will let you decide for yourself, this time." I felt a tear dropped from my eye.

"I don't know what to say, but thank you." I said.

"Tell that to Wendy. She talked to the company's CEO about this." Wendy?! Isn't she with Joy? "So, is the thing between Seulgi and you true?"

"No." I said.

"Oh! I thought it's true since Wendy did that." Why did she even do that?
"It's not. I was suppose to call you earlier to help me with it." I said. "I want it to stop. I want to tell people that it's not true. I'm not dating Kang Seulgi." I don't know why but it felt so wrong saying that, but this needs to stop. Wendy was right, I will not prolong this issue when it's clearly not true.

"Okay then. We will release a statement before this day ends."

"Thank you." I ended the call and look at the two girls looking at me in shock. They have this expresion I can't quite understand. "What?"

"N-nothing." they both stutter and was about to walk away. Then I remembered...

"Stop right there! We still need to talk." they slowly faced me.

"Unnie..." Yeri said, as if she's begging to just let it go.

"Was Joy a part of the past I forgot?"

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