Chapter IX

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Seulgi's POV

Me and Sooyoung just finished our dinner. Now, we are cleaning up the dinning table. The suddenly her phone buzzed. I took a glance on who it was before telling her.

"Sooyoung, Wendy's calling." I said. I can tell she was shocked by that. Did something happened between the two? I see how she hesitated grabbing her phone.

"Did you two fight?" I asked. She just look up to me. She will not tell me. Her phone stops buzzing, not second later it buzzes again. I look at her, she's just staring at it. "Sooyoung... answer it. You wouldn't know what she wants to say. What if it's important? What if she calling for a life and death situa--" before I could even finish, she picked up her phone and answer it.

"Hello? Where are you? What happened? Are you alright?" she said full of worry, but soon her facial expression changed. She suddenly look at me. What is it? "Can you tell me why?" she still staring at me. "Okay, I'll tell her." she said directed to me. Tell me?  She was ready to drop her phone back but suddenly put it back up on her ear. She avoided her gaze at me, this time, she looked down. She just stayed silent. After a minute or two, she put down her phone back to the table. I look at her and waited for her to talk.

"Sooyoung-ah." I called. She look up to me, with a sad and nervous expression. I don't get it.

"Unnie, can you tell guards to open up the gates again?" she said. That made me knit my brows.

"Why? Is Wendy on her way here?" I asked. What she said next made me froze on my spot.

"No, Joohyun unnie is." Sooyoung said. What is she doing here? "Wendy said she's already outside. She just can't go near your house because of the reporters."

"Didn't you tell me Wendy is her manager?" Sooyoung just nodded. "Why is she letting Joohyun do this? We are still in this huge controversy, Sooyoung-ah, people are still suspecting. If anybody sees her here, the statement her company just released will be put in to waste."

"Wendy thinks she knows already, unnie." Sooyoung said. know what? "She told me that Joohyun unnie said that she wants answers, that's why she came her." that's when I know what she's talking about. Suddenly, I begin to shake.

"Unnie, she's waiting." With that I grabbed my phone and call the guards to help her pass through the gates. Sooyoung then texted Wendy.

The two of us sitted on the living room, waiting for the door to open up.

"Unnie, are you going to be okay?" I look up to Sooyoung and nodded. "What if she remembers, already?"

"That would better, in that way she'll understand better, why I did it."

"Do you think she'll not understand your reasons?" Sooyoung asked.

"No, I think she will be more confused if she knew nothing about our past." just after I said that, the door opened up revealing the girl I've been longing for ever since I left. Sooyoung and I walk up to her. She look at Sooyoung, then faced me. Shit! My heart's beating so fast right now. I don't know if this is just nervousness creeping in, or just the fact that she's here in front of me.

"Did you eat dinner already unnie?" Sooyoung asked her. Joohyun looked at her shaking her head. Joy was suppose to offer but she suddenly spoke.

"I did not came her to eat, Joy." She said and turn to look at me again. "I came here to talk." I gulped in nervousness.

"Unnie, can we si--" Joy was cut off.

"Why did you act like you just met me, Joy?" Joy took a step back. She was startled by the question. "Why--"

"I don't know." Joy said not letting Irene ask more. She looked down. "I was already seeing Wendy then, before I knew she was working for you. I can't just break up with Wendy just because she's close to you, unnie."

"Joy." Joohyun called out. "I'm not asking why you didn't avoid the reason how we met again. I'm asking why did you keep it to yourself, that we were close before?" she asked softly, now. That actually shocked me. I somewhat thought she would burst out here, angry. Joy look up to her.

"I badly want to tell you, unnie, I do. God knows how much I miss you already, how much I was longing for you and Yerim. But Wendy's there..." She paused she's crying already. "I can't lose her, unnie." she sob. I wanted to go to her but somethings stopping me. "I got scared of telling you. Telling you means opening up your wounds again and Wendy, Wendy cares about you so much unnie." she cries. It's not that she doesn't want to tell Joohyun, who she is. She's scared that if she tells her, Wendy would look at her differently. Joohyun walk to her. I can see Joohyun is close to crying too.

"Tell me honestly Joy." Joohyun said gaining Joy's full attention. "Why did you left?" Joohyun look at me then back to Joy, who is facing me already. Asking permission if she should tell her.

"It was me, it was my fau--" I was cut off.

"I'm not asking you Seulgi!" she face me this time, full of range. Tears started falling from her eyes now.

"Unnie..." Joy come up to her, to calm her down.

"No, Joy. If she can freely confess this to me now, why didn't she do this sooner?!" She shouted this time. "If you and Yeri didn't have a fight at my house, I wouldn't know! If that didn't happened, no one would've dared to tell me! Not a single one of you." she cried. I just looked down, listening to her. The least thing I could do for her now, is to let her say what she wants to say.

"If I didn't witness that thing this morning, I would've been clueless up until now. I'm missing half of my life already! It's really not fair that you are all hiding it from me! You know what's more frustrating?" I look up to her seeing her already looking at me. "It's the fact that I didn't care about my past anymore, not until they told me about you." she said and pushed me. I don't know what to say. I just look at her, letting my tears fall same time as hers.

"With just a mention of you, more questions starts appearing in my head. What made her leave?"

"If we were really that close, as they say, why did she disappeared at the time I needed her most?"

"In all those years, didn't she thought of coming back to explain?"

"All this questions are circling inside my head. I'm about to lose my mind, already. I want to understand everything." She looked at me, her eyes are begging. "and I can't do that without knowing a thing. So please," She gripped my shirt and cried more. She dropped on her knees dragging me with her. Mianhe, Joohyun-ah.

"Jebaal! If I can't remember, at least tell me what happened."

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