Chapter XV

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Seulgi's POV

I can't believe Jimin just forgave me because of the person she's courting, who happened to be my fan. I should really thank this person.

After we talk a little I asked her if she had any schedule today and told her I want to go out. She was against the idea, of course.

"Unnie! I want this!" she said, showing me what she's holding. Of course I convinced her by saying, we'll go shopping.

"Another perfume? You already bought one, don't you thi---" she cut me off

"I want it." she pouted. Oh God. She's lucky I'm still making up to her. I think I'm already regretting this.

"Okay then. Let's pay already." I said. We were about to walk to the cashier when someone spoke.

"Excuse me." Jimin and I look at each other in shock. "Can I take a photo? I'm a fan. If that's okay." I look at the girl that spoke and she's looking at Jimin. Oh! She's Jimin's fan.

"It's fine, right Jimin?" I said to Jimin and she then elbowed me.

"Who are you, my manager?" she said before going to the girl. I just laugh.

"I can take the photo if you want." I told the girl holding her phone up, for a selfie with Jimin.

"Is it okay?" the girl asked. She's actually cute. I nodded and get the phone, took a picture of them and give it back to her.

"You're good at taking pictures." She randomly said, as she's staring at her phone. I chuckled at that.

"How old are you little one? You here alone?" Jimin asked her.

"I'm 13. I'm not alone, I'm with my mothers." I heard it right, right? "I left them, they were arguing again." Okay? That's too much information

"You left them?!" I exclaimed.

"Unnie! Lower down your tone." Jimin said.

"Wait, unnie?" the girl asked. "As far as I remembered, Irene Bae is your only sister." she said facing Jimin and look at me in the eye. "Wait a minute..." she look closer to me. I asked Jimin for help and she's just hiding her laugh. God, please tell me my cap and mask is enough not be recognized. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed.

"Guess you're busted." Jimin whispered to me.

"You and my mommy have the same eyes." what?! "If I haven't known mommy isn't busy arguing with mom, I would've mistaken you to be her." I just laugh in relief. I look at Jimin and she is shocked at what happend.

Suddenly a phone starts ringing.

"I guess they've made up already. I have to go. Thank you for the photo miss Karina and miss Seulgi." I was taken aback when she said my name. "I guess the rumor was true." she said and winked at me before running away from us.

"What just happened?" I asked out loud, then the person I'm with laugh.

"You really couldn't hide your identity with just that, unnie." she said pointing at my hat and mask.

"I really couldn't." I said as I saw someone with a camera pointing at us, from a far. "Fuck!" I grabbed the perfume she was holding and put it back to where she got it.

"Unnie, I'm going to bu--"

"I'll just order it for you. For now, let's--" I paused when a bunch of reporters already entered the store. "Run." I said and dragged her out of the store.

"Unnie! What the fuck!? Joohyun unnie would kill me!" she said as she runs with me.

"She won't." I said with a heavy breathing. We stopped and hide in an aisle.

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