Chapter X

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Irene's POV

I didn't know what happened but as soon as I saw the two in front of me, I lost it. I tried to be calm at first but it just didn't work. It was just so easy to let out anger than just be sad about it.

But my anger just faded as soon as I met her eyes. Her eyes that is expressing emotions I wish hadn't seen. With just a look, I gave in to my sadness. It's like the anger I had just vanished. She really had this effect in me, eversince I first saw her.

Flashback from a few years ago...

I went out my dressing and went to the set, since I will film next. I sat beside a teen aged co actor. She is busy watching a video. She looks really amused by it. I got curious, that's why I took a glimpse of it.

"What are you watching Winter?" I asked and she got startled.

"Oh! Unnie. It's a debut showcase of an idol. She's really good unnie, look." she move her tablet so that I can get a better view. I didn't realize, I got lost in her performance.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Kang Seulgi. Her name's Kang Seulgi." Seulgi. It's a unique name but somehow, it doesn't sound new to me.

"She's pretty." I said and I felt a nudge. I look at Winter.

"You like her unnie?" I was taken aback by what she said.

"What made you think that?" I asked.

"Because you are to focus in watching her." that's it? "and you have a different look, while you are watching."

"What look exactly?"

"I don't know unnie." I just laugh after she said that. "or maybe she is just so good that made the famous Irene Bae focus on her." No, because she's just partly right.

"You're right, she's really good." I said to her.

"I want to be like her, someday." I look at Winter. "I've always wanted to be an idol unnie. I know she just debuted, but I want to be as good as her when I debut too." Looks like this Kang Seulgi will give a huge impact to people. I can't blame them, she's charming.

"Miss Bae and Miss Kim, you're up next." we heard the staff said and then the both of us stand up.

End of flashback...

Never would I have imagined that she played a big part of my life, in the past. There's a part of me that wishes that she wasn't. If that was the case, we wouldn't be in this situation right now.

"Unnie." I heard Joy called me. I look up to see her bringing the food she made for me.

"Thank you." I said and just look at the food in front of me.

"I'm sorry if Seulgi unnie did that." I face Joy, who is now sitting across me.

The moment I brokedown infront of them. Seulgi just walked out. Joy helped calm me down and convinced me, to let her serve me something for me to eat.

"It's fine, Joy." I said.

"Seulgi unnie has always been the type who runaway if she knows she can't handle the situation, she's in." Joy said. That made me think...

"Is this also the reason why you two left?" I asked. She was startled at my question.  She let out a sigh before speaking up.

"All I know is she looked really hurt that time, unnie." Joy started. "It was early morning, I was on the way to you, when I saw her walked out of your old house unnie. She looked like a mess. I confronted her from there but she wouldn't tell me what happened."

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