Chapter III

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Irene's POV

"Can you drive now?" I look at the person who just entered my car, who said those words, and almost surprised me to death. "Please." she now begged. Oh God! Why didn't I locked my car.

I had no choice but to drive off. For God's sake! I have a stranger in my car. While I'm driving, I can see a car following from behind.

"Fuck!" I said and started to drive faster. I search for my phone. I'm still on call with Joy, I forgot. I give my phone to this stranger.

"What do I do with this?" she asked.

"Can you connect it to my car. I can't do that while driving." I said. I looked at the side mirror it's still following us.

"You're still on a--" I cut her off. I don't have time for this.

"Shit! Can you just do it!" I shouted this time. I am certainly not calm! I have a stranger with me and a car following mines. I don't know if I'm safe, for fuck's sake!

"Unnie!" I heard as soon as she connected my phone. "Yah! Answer me!"

"Wendy, someone's following me. Help?" I said a in a lower tone.

"Your voice is muffled unnie. Can you remove you mask? I can tell you're wearing one." I took off my mask immediately. Forgetting that the stranger earlier is already finding out my real identity.

"Can you help me now? I'm being followed." when I said that.

"I told you, earlier, it's a bad idea to go out alone!" this time I know she's panicking already. I then heard Joy talk.

"Can you not scold unnie now? We need to think of something. Just do that later." here I thought she can stop Wendy from scolding me, but that's not the deal now.

"Thank you Joy." I said then suddenly, my passenger started to talk.

"Joy!?" she said in a surprise tone.

"Irene Bae who are you with?" I glared at the person who I'm with. And back to the road.

"I don't know, Wendy. I don't know." I drive faster this time.

"That doesn't matter now. Can you drive faster than usual unnie? Just get them lost. Enter some aisles, just don't be the one to get lost. God! You're bad at directions!" she said.

"She's with someone babe. I'm sure that person will help her." I hear Joy said.

I started doing what Wendy said until I lost them. I stopped my car on the side of a road.

"Now, that was a ride!" I said in defeat.

"Irene Bae, I need you to go home now." Wendy said on the other line. Then I heard my tummy growl.

"I'm hungry." I said. Next thing I heard is Wendy shouting. I bump my head on the stirringwheel.

"Yah! You said you would go out to eat! Bae Joohyun!" she's angry now. She still ramble about me not listening to her and end up getting in trouble. She just stop when Joy spoke.

"Babe!" that made Wendy stop. "Unnie go home now. You can just order take out. The night is getting older already." Joy said. God! I thank you for letting Joy meet Wendy. I heard a laugh on my side. I look up at her. I forgot about her.

"Yah! I didn't expect you to be this calm Sooyoung-ah!" The girl just said while laugh. Sooyoung? Who... I heard a gasp on the other line.

"What the!? Why are you with Irene unnie?! How did this happen?!" Joy shouted on the other line. They know each other? They even seemed close. This time she faced me, she just avoided my gaze in an instant.

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