Chapter XVIII

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Seulgi's POV

I ended up joining them. We're now at Wendy's home. When Wendy's mom saw me, she asked me to just join them.

"Auntie. Why did you suddenly call for me?" I heard Joohyun asked. I feel her doctor's gaze on me.

"Are you two really dating?" I look up to her. I look at Joohyun and our eyes met. "I understand if you can't--"

"No, auntie. It's not that we can't, we just don't know..." Joohyun speak up. Oh? Didn't she just claim me as her girlfriend when she met Kyle Oppa? I look down, not long after I felt and hand holding mine. I look at her, she's facing Dr. Son already.

"I see." I face Wendy's mom. She looks at me teasingly. "I called you just to check how you're doing. By the looks of it, you're doing great." she gives us a genuine smile but it vanished too soon. "Also, I wanted to ask a favor." She's facing Joohyun already.

"Anything, Auntie." she said.

"You know Seungwan is our only child, right?" I look at Joohyun and it looks like she already know where this is going.

"Is it time already, Auntie?" Joohyun asked.

"We're not getting any younger, Joohyun. Your uncle and I can't travel that much, anymore. Wendy has a hospital to manage." what the fuck!?

"She's a doctor after all. I'm guessing, she already know this?" Joohyun asked her.

"Yes." I heard Wendy's mom said. Why didn't Wendy told Joohyun, herself?

"When is she going to leave?"

"Wait! Leave?! Where?" I suddenly questioned. The where both startled at my outburst.

"Canada. She'll manage our hospital in Canada." that's far.

"Sooyoung-ah." I let out a heavy sigh as I said her name.

Sooyoung loves Wendy so much. The fact that she's still hurting now, this is really making me worry. I haven't even talk to her about it yet. Does she know already?

"Pardon?" I look up to see Wendy's mom confused at what I just said. She doesn't know? I felt my right hand being squeezed, I face the person beside me. She just shake her head telling me not speak abbout it.

I'm guessing Wendy's family don't know she was in a relationship with someone.

"Dr. Son, I just wanted to ask something." she just signalled me to continue. "When you say Wendy's going to go to Canada, will she be there for good?"

"We also have our hospital branch here. She'll be travelling back and forth. The fact that her dad and I are still here, there's a chance that she might settle there. It's really up to her." shit! I never thought of Wendy's such a well off person. "It seem like you're worried she might not comeback. Why?" Her eyes met mine.

"What if Wendy wants to stay here?" I asked again. She now have a smirk plastered on her face.

"Actually, my daughter have already decided. But to answer your queston, I will not stop my daughter from doing what she wants to do. Tell me honestly Seulgi, is there a reason my daughter would want to stay here?" Joohyun's hand tightened her hold on mine.

"I'm not in the position to tell you, Dr. Son, I'm sorry." I said and look down.

"There is." when she said that, I just look up.

"Mommy? Are you still here?" I heard Wendy's voice. "Seulgi?" I greeted her as she came to our view. She looks at me, maybe confused that I'm here. She then face her mother.

"Dad said, you're needed at the hospital already. I'm here to get you." Wendy said. I felt Joohyun remove her hold in my hand. Next thing I know she smacked Wendy in the head. Dr. Son just giggled.

"Yah! You can't just tell me, yourself, can't you?!" Joohyun shouted at her

"Mommy help?" Wendy said to her mom. Dr. Son just shake her head and laugh. Joohyun then whispered something to Wendy that made her look at me.

"Don't worry. I'll talk to her, before I leave." She said to me.

Still not sure of what's happening to them, but I want to make sure Sooyoung won't get hurt more than she's hurting now.

"That's good to know. " I just nodded.

"Thank you for coming over Joohyun."  Wendy's mom went to her and give her a hug. "It was nice meeting the famous Kang Seulgi." she held out her hand for a handshake, after hugging Joohyun.

"Thank you for taking care of Joohyun." I said, she gave me a smile.

"Thank my daughter. She just changed her career for Joohyun." Dr. Son said. Oh right! She did. I look at Wendy and she just shrugged.

"I'll do anything for a friend." Wendy said. She reminds of Sooyoungah. How are these two so selfless?

"Now that hurt." Joohyun said
holding her chest.

"Really Joohyun? Infront of Seulgi and Mommy?" Wendy just face palmed whe hyun just nodded. Joohyun's playfulness comes out whenever she's with Wendy. "Seulgi's not having it." she then look at me, I avoided her gaze.

"We have to go now. Your dad is calling already." Dr. Shon said, Wendy just nodded.

"We have to go now." she kissed both our cheeks. "You have to leave now too. I hope you get caught again." She said as we walk out.

"I don't have a manager to fix things, anymore." Joohyun said pouting. Are they really this close?

"Mommy! Joohyun doesn't want me to leave." Wendy said to her mom.

"Do you want to leave?" Dr. Son stopped walking and face her daughter. "Seems like, there's something you're not telling me." she took a glimpse at me before facing Wendy again. That made Wendy look at me confused. "Let's just talk on the way." Dr. Son said to her daughter, and glancing at us before entering Wendy's car.

"Tell her already. You know she has no problem with it." Joohyun said as she hugs Wendy goodbye.

"Let's have dinner before you leave." I said. She nodded and smiled at me before she drove off.

"They will work things out." Joohyun said, out of the blue, when I entered my car. She's just staring straight

"How about us, Hyun?" she suddenly turn to face me.

"Seulgi, I did a lot of thinking already..."


"I think it's better if we're just friends." she said. That hurt. I know I should've expected this already. I laugh but I feel my eyes getting teary already. No! My tears are slowly dropping already.

"Sorry." I said as I wipe my tears away. I tried holding it in but it won't stop. Damn! Seulgi! Fix yourself! You still need to drive home. "Fuck!" I cursed at myself.


"Wait hyun. Please, just give me a minute." I said as I try to calm myself down.


"I can't be friends with you, hyun." I face her that made our eyes meet. I can tell she was taken a back by what I've said.

"Seulgi, of course you can. We--"

"No, you don't understand. How can I when everytime I see you, I still rememember what we were before. Everytime a memory pop up, I always wish to hold you like before. I understand your decision but I can't be friends with you, I'm sorry." I said before starting the engine.

"My decision is for your own good, Seulgi." she said. What... "You're still new in the industry..." Is this some kind of revenge or karma?

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