Chapter XII

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Irene's POV

I let go of her hand after she told me what happened, the night before everything got all messed up.

I guess it was all on me? I was at fault all along. It's frustrating that I don't even know why I did that.

"It wasn't your fault." I look at Seulgi when she said that.

"How can you say that? I was the reason why you left in the first place. I was the reason why all you guys are hurting now." I said as I make her understand.

"No, you see... That was just my point of view Joohyun. It was a mistake I didn't even let you speak up and explain. Don't bla--"

"But I-- just like what you've said... I've already decided at that time." I explain. What could be the reason I did that? Did I really love her at that time? I mean, why would I even question myself that? when I know she's got this effect on me already.

"Yes and I know you chose what you thought was right at that time. I know you Joohyun, you won't do something without having some thoughts on it first." she said. I guess not remembering about myself really changed me. Look at how impulsive my decisions are, now.

"Why does it seem like you're trying to convince me that I'm not at fault?" I told her. She grabbed my hands again.

"Because you're not. I'm the one who left without even understanding you first. I should be the one to blame." She said as she looks down. Why are you like this Seulgi?

"I'm sorry Seulgi." I told her. She look at me again. "I'm sorry if I made you runaway. I'm sorry if I made yo--"

"Joohyun, stop. I told you I--"

"No Seulgi! If you want me to blame it all on you, I wont do that. Maybe you have your regrets but it's my fault, I should be sorry!" I raise my voice this time. I then heard something. I look at Seulgi and I know for a fact that she heard it too. We're the only one's in the house-- who?

"Come out, Sooyoung and who ever you're with." It's Joy, right? but who is she with? I look at where Seulgi is facing now and, slowly, Joy came out from where she was hiding. "Unbelievable." Seulgi let out sigh.

"I'm sorry unnie. It's the first time in years that I've heard your reason, I can't miss it." Joy explained looking down.  Just there I realized, it was not only me who needs reasons. I was already acting like that when I can't even remember my past. I can't imagine how it felt like to the people who got affected by what happened to us.

"Me too." then I was shocked at who I saw next to Joy, that just got out too. "You were a coward Seulgi unnie. You were stupid also." Since when did Yeri arrive here?

"Kim Yerim?"

"The one and only." She said looking at me then turn her gaze back to Seulgi, that looks more nervous than earlier. "I needed to follow you here, not just to make sure you're going to be okay but to get answers too." Her eyes are glaring. I've never really seen this side of her. I stand up, grabbing Seulgi's hands, and dragging her.

"Seulgi." I squeeze her hand and give her a warm smile. "You got something to say to Yeri?" she look at me shocked with what I'm doing. I can also feel Yeri and Joy's gazes on me. If there's anyone she should say sorry to, it should be with Yeri. She was the person that got more affected. She was the person that had been carrying all these baggage all alone. I need answers but she needs it more. I let go of Seulgi's hand and gently pushed her to where Yeri is. Next thing I see is Seulgi embracing a crying Yeri.

"Mianhe Yerimah." Seulgi said as she cried too. "I'm sorry for being so stupid and being a coward." I giggled at that. I then saw a box of tissue in front of me. What the?! I look at Joy.

"Wipe your tears away unnie." Joy said as she's wiping hers too. She's also so strong for this. She sacrificed her life here, just to make sure Seulgi was gonna be fine. She did it without questioning Seulgi's reason on leaving. She even hid half of her life to the person she love most, because of this.

"Just how much can you sacrifice for all of this, Sooyoung-ah?" I said still looking at her. She chuckled at my question before turning to me.

"Everything unnie." she said before looking back at the two who are bickering already, but are still crying. Damn, Wendy. I hope you treasure this person as much as how she treasures the people that surrounds her. I went up to her and give her a hug.

"Thank you Joy. Thank you so much." I whispered to her and from there, she lost it.

"Unnieeeeee!!!" She whined all of us are taken aback by that.

"What--" Seulgi couldn't finish what she was about to say when Joy just pulled us all into a group hug. I swear to God, I feel like I've really missed this.

Just when I look up, which I shouldn't have done because now my face is not an inch closer to Seulgi already. I just stare at her, scanning her face 'til my view dropped to her lips. Damn right! It's tempting. When I realized I was staring at her lips for a long time already I look up again, that made our eyes met. Shit! Why is this hug too long?

"Seulgi! Baby, are you home?" We heard someone called that made us let go of each other. Oh, thank God! I don't know what I will do if we stayed like that longer. But wait! Baby?! I look at Seulgi who's already staring at Joy. "Seulgi. Where you at?" this time I heard a man called out her name. okay?

"At the dining." Seulgi shouted.

"We've seen the news. Are you really talk-- Joohyun. Yerim." The moment she saw us there, she cut off her own sentence. Looks like she knows us.

The two who just entered resembles Seulgi, a lot. I'm guessing these are her parents. Joy went up to them and greet them. I just bowed at them, then I notice Yeri did nothing but look at them. She's upset. I look at Seulgi's parent's again, and they are looking at me? They look shocked and sorry, I can't really describe it.

"Yah! Yerimah!" I whispered and nudge her.

"I'm sorry unnie but I can't." when she said that she face me. She looks upset, not in an angry way.

"It's fine Joohyun. We understand her." The man spoke up. I look at them, they look really sorry. "If you were in her shoes, I'm sure you would've been like that." He added. Why? What did they do? I just look at them confused.

"Yeri." Seulgi called her up. "I told them not to tell you and I'm really sorry for that, really. Mom and Dad were just doing me a favor. They even scold me and made me feel guilty for breaking what we had built since then. They too, had sacrifice so much because of the decision I made. If you have forgiven me, I hope you can forgive them too. I'm more at fault than they are." Seulgi said holding Yeri's hands. It was not only the friendship we built that had torn into pieces, it was also our family's.

"Who said I forgive you already?" Yeri said and really shocked me. I thought they were okay already?

"Kim Yerim!" I shouted.

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