Chapter XXI

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Irene's POV

"Really? In front of Sooyoung unnie?" I heard Jimin's voice from the back. She's early.

"Jimin, help" I said as I'm glaring at Seulgi already.

"Unnie?" Jimin called out. Seulgi took a glimpse behind me, then she slowly remove her hold. I held both my cheeks and started massaging it. Damn you, Kang Seulgi! I suddenly look at Joy, when I remembered something.

"Joy-ah!" I called her, excitedly. "Are you busy today?" I smiled at her.

"I have a schedule this morning, unnie." She said, confused.

"It'll just be this morning, right?"

"Yes, unnie. Why?" she asked

"I have to go film some changes in the drama I was working on, later. I was hoping you'd accompany me." I said. Jebal, it's the least thing I could do for the both of them.

"I want to go." I heard Seulgi speak up.

"You can't." I said sternly.

"I'm sure Wendy's going to be there. Does she know you're inviting me? Cause if not? I'm so--"

"You two need to talk." I said.

"She won't even talk to me, unnie."

"She will, this time. I promise." I reach for her hand and gave he an assuring smile.

"Sooyoung's not coming if I can't." Seulgi suddenly came into my vision. God! You know I don't have patience. "Right, Sooyoung-ah?" She face Joy.

"I'll come home before lunch, unnie. I'll go with you." Joy hugged me. "Thank you." She whispered before letting go. She then walk back to the dining, followed by Jimin.

"I want to go with you. I want to see you act, as well." Seulgi held into the hem of my shirt. Seriously, how is she this cute? Wait! I'm still annoyed at her.

"No, Seulgi. A lot of people are gonna be there, they're going to recognize you." I said as I face her.

"Then so be it." she said confidently.



"You're not--"

"I'm going." She said before dragging me back to the kitchen. "Eat already. You have a film to shoot today."

"We will just make changes in some scenes, Seulgi." I said and sat beside her. Somehow, there's no awkwardness between us anymore.

"Oh! why are you shooting it this afternoon? What scene are you going to do?" She asked.

"Unnie! It's not like you know the story, to ask her what particular scene it is." Sooyoung said to Seulgi.

"It's fine, Joy." I said. "But to answer her, I don't know yet, I still haven't read the new script." I said before started eating already.

"WHAT?!" the three of them said in unison.

"How are you this calm, unnie?" Joy said

"I'm used to this already." I said. After that they didn't asked questions anymore.

After we ate our breakfast, Joy left for her schedule. Then Jimin said she had to go somewhere. I was left with a sulking Seulgi. I was about to go up to my room already, when she called me.


"Still. You're not going with me." I said.

"What are you so afraid of, Joohyun!?" I was shocked at her sudden change of tone. I face her. "Oh! who am I kidding!? We've already talked about this, and I guess you still choose to do it your way." She said those as she's walking closer to me.


"I'll never be just your friend, Joohyun. It's either you accept me as a partner or we could just be strangers." she said to me.

"Are you really gonna force yourself into my life?" I asked. I see her change her expression after I said those.

"I'm not that's why I'm making you choose." She said.

"Choose what, Seulgi? The latter is a dead end! I can't do that!" I raised my voice. "You're not giving me a choice to begin with." I said.

"The choices is a lot easier to choose to, if you could just listen to what your heart says." she look at me with a desperate expression. "If you can't do the latter then choose the first one." she said.

"You're not thinking of the possibilities, Seulgi." I said to her.

"I am!" she raised her voice. "I know what I'm doing! You're thinking of me as if I don't know how to make my own decisions. I get that you're worried of me. If yo--" she's too hard headed. If she's really not scared of what's gonna happen, then why do I still have to stop myself? I grabbed both of her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. She seem shocked of what I did, I smiled. I encircled my arms aroung her neck.

"You don't want to be friends? Fine." I said before I kissed her again. This time, I felt her hands on my waist pulling me closer to her. She deepen the kiss until me ran out of breath.

"God! I missed you." she said, breathelessly. I loosen my hold and look at her in the eye. She missed me? She looks at me happily. I reach for her cheek and carress it.

"I badly want to remember you, Seul." I said, looking straight into her eyes. I felt guilt all over me. She then pulled me in for a hug.

"It doesn't matter to me, if you remember me or not. Let's just make new memories. Hmmn?" She whispered to me. I hummed and nodded in response. She then hugged me tightly.

"Seulgi. Yah! I can't breathe." I said patting her back. She giggled before she lets go. She have this huge smile plastered on her face. I smiled at the sight. It's the first time I see her smiling like this.

"Does this mean I'm already allowed to go with you this afternoon?" She asked, all smiley. I decided to tease her.

"No. Sorry." I kissed her on her cheek before leaving her there frozen.

"Hyun!" She whined.

The moment I entered my room, I automatically locked it. I still need to study the new script, I need no distractions. Not a minute later I heard a knock.

"Hyun." I chuckled hearing her voice behind the door.

"I need to get ready for later, Seulgi." I said before opening my door. She's pouting. "Don't disturb me." I said before closing the door again.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" I'm guessing she already left after she said that, because I heard nothing more from her.

I feel lighter now. I should've accepted her a lot sooner. Now, I just wish I made the right choice, cause it felt like I did.

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