Chapter XVII

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Seulgi's POV

What happened next?
They are now staying at my house, for a week already.

Being with them again makes me happy. Though its not the same as before, specially between me and Joohyun, we still tried not to be that awkward.

"Unnieee! You need to get up already! Irene unnie have to leave early" Yeri shouted as she entered my room. Her hair's still messy, looks like she just woke up. I laugh at her.

"Ya! Yerimah! You can go back to sleep if you want to. No need to come to my room every morning, just to wake me up." she's been doing this for a week now. Now, I'm getting used to waking up early.

"Tell that to your girlfriend! I don't get her! Why would I be the one to wake you up when her room is just beside yours?!" She rants as she walks to my bed. Next thing I see is her, crawling ito my bed already.

I still feel like blushing everytime they called her my girlfriend. She never deny it though. We haven't really talk about us yet, we're still casual with each other.

"Yeri!! Unnie can hear you, from here!" I heard Sooyoung shouted from the outside. I can see my door wasn't even shut closed. I just laugh and walk there.

"Yerimah, you can continue your sleep here, if you want... You need it. I'll just go down already." I said before I went outside of my room. I'm pretty sure she'll go back to sleep.

When I arrive downstairs, they just finished preparing breakfast.


"Let her sleep more, Hyun. Starting from the day after tomorrow she will be sleeping less." I said as I sat beside her. I face her. "You know how tiring her job is. You're an actress yourself. One of the best even." she look at me and I give her the brightest smile I could give to a person. "Good morning, Hyun." I said before I turn my gaze to the food infront of me.

"What's with you today, Unnie?" I heard Sooyoung asked. "You're acting weird." She said and laugh. "trying to fix things already?"

That's my goal, right? To win her back?

"I am." After I heard that, I then heard someone coughing. When I look at who it is, I panicked and got her water. "You okay?" I asked as I rubbed her back.

"I'm fine." she said, calming herself.

"Yeri said you need to leave early?" I asked before I started eating already.

"Yes. Wendy said, her mom asked me to come over." she replied. Wendy's mom? Why?

"You met her mom already, unnie?" I then heard Joy asked. I look at her.

"Why? You haven't met her yet?" Joohyun question after nodding.

"No, I haven't." Sooyoung said looking down at her plate.

"Wendy's going to pick you up?" I asked before our talk gets a little deeper in that topic. I feel like Sooyoung's still upset with what's happenning between her and Wendy.

"No. She's called by my company. I'm just going to meet her mom." she said. That's when I thought of something.

"How about I'll drive you there?" I asked. Then again, she started coughing.

"Unnie! Are you trying to kill your girlfriend?" Sooyoung said glaring at me. What did I do now?

"I'm not." I shake my head. "I just wanted to make sure she's safe, when she gets out, that's why I offered." I look at the person beside me, who's facing me already. "Also, I wanted to go out." I look at her like I'm asking for permission for her to let me.

"You two can't be seen together by the public. You know how the media works." Sooyoung explained.

"It'll be fine Sooyoungah." I said and continue eating my food.

"No, the issue is going to build up again." She said.

"Then let them." I said, confidently.

"What?!" Sooyoung exclaimed. I can feel her eyes on me.

"Don't worry this time, I'll make sure, my side will release a statement." I said.

"Will you deny it?" she suddenly speak.

"What do you think?" I face her. "Should I just tell them we're just close friends from before?" I smiled.

"Who am I kidding? Of course, you need to deny it." she said and chuckled.

"How can you say?"

"I denied it myself." She said. She seemed disappointed though.

"You didn't know anything, that time. What if it happens again, now that you know, what will you do?" I asked. I just want to know.

"I--I dont know" she said as she looks down. I just look at her. "But I'm sure I'm not denying us." she suddenly look up to me. Yerim's right. You're still the Joohyun I know.

"What would you feel if I'll deny you?" I asked. I guess she wasn't expecting that. Her expression just changed.

"I'd understand." she forced a smile.

"Okay then. Let me drive you to where you're going and let's see what happens next." I said. "I know you're not scared of getting caught already." I smiled at her and face Sooyoung. "You don't need to be scared for us, Sooyoungah, we know what to do already. Right Hyun?" I face her again. This time she just nodded.

Sooyoung had no choice but to let us go. I'm driving the car now. It's been silent since we left.

"Why did Wendy's mother call for you?" I asked out of curiousity.

"Wendy's mother is my doctor, Seulgi." I nodded.

"Nothing serious is happening, right?" I asked, worriedly. When she said who Wendy's mother is, that made me nervous all of a sudden.

"Nothing. She just wanted to see me again. It's been a long time already, since we've seen each other." she said.

"Just wanted to make sure." I said.

"I'm already fine, Seulgi. Aside from my amnesia, I'm good." I stopped at a red light when she said that. I face her.

"I'm sorry again, Joohyunah." she just laugh. "It was a really impulsive decision I've made. You wouldn't have gotten in--"

"I'm doing fine already, Seulgiyah. I also wanted to say, thank you. I may have not like what you did but I know you did it for me. I'm thankful for that." She said smiling, genuinely, at me.

"Hyun." she hummed in response. "What if I tell you, I wanted to go back to the way we were before? I know, it's impossible to happen already, but I wanted us to start all over again."


"I still love you, Hyun. I--" I stopped when I heard beeping sound. I look ahead, to see that it's green light already. I move the car.

I can't believe I just said those things. I felt her eyes on me. I don't regret saying those words though. It's what I really feel.

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