Chapter XXII

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Irene POV

Bogum and I just finish filming most changes. The director decided to give us a thirty minute break.

"Irene." Before I could go to my team Bogum called for me that made me stop.

"Yeah?" I smiled at him.

"Good work!" He give me a thumbs up. I chuckled at that.

"We're not even done yet, but thank you. You're doing good too." I said. Is he going to...

"Are you doing good, these days?" Is he lowkey asking about the issue. I just smiled at him.

"I'm great actually."

"That's good." I can tell he still have things to say.

"What is it, Bogum?" I asked.

"I just want to take my shot again, and ask you out?" He asked nervously. Does he ask every girl out, like this?

"Can you please have some confidence, when asking someone out. You're always nervous!" I laugh as I said those to him.

"I'm just nervous because it's you." Now that's smooth, but nah!

"Haven't you learn your lesson?" I asked him. "I already rejected your offer before." He shake his head.

"If you reject me again, this time. I'll be giving up already." The moment he said that, reminded me of Seulgi. If she wasn't persistent, would we still be together now? I turn around to my team's direction. There I see her, looking at my direction, with her mask and cap on. I can't help but smile.

"You have new staffs?" I heard Bogum asked. I face him again.

"I don't." I answered him.

"Oh. I just thought because some of them were not here the time we were still filming." He said. He took a step closer to me. "And look at that person with a cap and mask on." He said I look at them and there are two of them. Seulgi and Joy. The two had to keep their identity hidden.

"Which one of them?" I asked curiously. I'm so close to laughing already. This guys seems like he gossip too much.

"The one with the white tee." Seulgi. "I don't think she likes me, she's been glaring and watching my every move since we start filming." I look at Seulgi, and she's really glaring at him. "See? Who is she?" He asked. I face him again.

"My girlfriend." I said, proudly. He slow face me with a shock expression written on his face.

"Your what?"

"My girlfriend." I repeated.

"Shit! I didn't know, sorry." He took a step back from me. I laugh at his sudden action.

"You don't have to apologize. Just like you said, you didn't know." I said to him.

"That's why she keeps on glaring at me. Is she the jealous type?" He whispered to me. I don't know. "I think so. I should keep my distance now. We still have to film the last scene, maybe I should endure her glares for now." he's so cool with it, for someone who just got rejected. He looked at me. "I didn't know you were..."

"Gay?" I finished what he said. he nodded.

"I guess the rumor was partly true." I furrowed my brows when I heard him say that.

"The one that your dating an female idol. You're really a dating a female."

"You know, for a man? You're too into rumors." I told him. He look t me with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry." He said.

"It's fine. I'm used to it already." I told him. It's not the first time I got into a rumor or an issue, but I know how huge this one is. "I'll go now." I told him and he just nodded.

I head to my dressing room. There she is standing outside with some of the staffs from the company. When I got closer to her, I automatically wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in for a hug. I rest my chin on her shoulder and close my eyes. I'm tired already. I felt her wrap her arms around me.

"You okay?" She softly whispered. I hummed in response.

"Where's Joy?" I asked, not moving an inch.

"Wendy just arrived, they went somewhere private to talk." She answered. I hope they'll fix things already.

"That's good." I said.

"Hyun." She called. I just hummed. "Can we do this inside the dressing room?" She asked that made me open my eyes and pushed her a little. I look at her. "As much as I wanted you to be clingy to me, a lot of eyes are watching us now." She said and that made me confuse.

"You said you don't care." I said before letting go of her and just leave her there. I went to my dressing room and soon enough she followed. "Said that she's not scared of other people finding out yet doesn't want to be seen together like that." I ranted and I made sure she heard it. I went to the couch and sit there. I grabbed a teddy bear beside me and decided to hug it instead.

I felt her sit down at the other edge of the couch.

"I'm sorry, Hyun. I just did that because someone might recognize me. They were staring for too long already." She said.

"Again. Didn't she told me she doesn't care?" I said as if I'm talking to the bear.


"I should have chosen for us to just act like strangers." I said.


"Are you raising your voice at me?!" I raised my voice and glared at her. To be honest, I'm just acting now.

I know she's really not scared of being recognize as someone I'm hugging, she just doesn't want to make a mess since we're still filming. Once people will know that she's here, the set will be filled with her fans and that's how famous she is. She's willing to risk her popularity for me, I feel sorry for the fans.

"I'm sorry, okay?" she moved closer to me. She's pouting. She opened her arms, inviting me in for a hug. "I will not do it again. Come here. Please."

"You're lucky, you're cute." I said as I let myself be wrapped around her arms. I'm still hugging the bear though. I don't even know who owns this.

"Hyun, I want you to hug me back and let go of that thing." She said. I giggled. She pointed at the bear I look up and meet her eyes. I give her a teasing smile before I just snuggled myself into her hug. "Seriously speaking, Hyun." She said. "That's Sooyoung's. Wendy just gave her that, when she arrived here." Oh? It's just Joy's, what's the proble-- "She's possessive, Hyun." With just that, I pulled away from Seulgi and put the bear back to where I got it. I know how possessive people feel because I am one.

I heard Seulgi laugh. I went back to her and just hugged her instead. I closed my eyes.

"Stop laughing." I said. I snuggled to her neck. She smells good.

"Do you want to sleep?" She whispered. I hummed. "Then go to sleep, I'll wake you up if someone calls for you." I felt her kiss my temple before I drifted off to sleep.

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