Chapter XIV

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Seulgi's POV

I woke up from my slumber. It happened again. I'm sure they got confused. The guilt just got in to me. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Seulgi, you're such a mess!" I said to myself. I wonder where they are now. Are they still here? I look up when I heard my door opened.

"You're awake already, unnie. Great!" Yeri said bringing a tray of food. "You need to eat breakfast already." Breakfast? Dumb Seulgi, of course it's morning already. I facepalmed myself.
"Do you, somehow, take medicines?" she looks concerned. I chuckled. She knows...

"You were scared, were you?" I asked her as she put the tray on a table.

"I won't lie, I was really scared. You just passed out after what I've done. Then there's Sooyoung unnie, she didn't even remember that you have thi--" Yeri was blabbering already. I walk to where the food is and take a seat.

"You cooked this?" I asked her. I guess she already learned how to cook.

"Joohyun unnie did." I turn to look at her, so quickly than expected. I guessed wrong.

"She's still here?" I asked. She had this smirk on her face.

"No. She already left after she cooked this, she needed to go home." Yeri told me.

"Oh." I cannot stop myself from letting out a dissapointed tone.

"It's still her, isn't it?" I was flustered by her question, but I just nodded anyway. "You know you're an idol right? Idols' fans tends to be more possessive than actors'." She's worried.

"I don't care Yeri. I lost her already. If I'll be given a chance to be with her again, I wouldn't ever think of what other people would say." I told her.

"It's just that..."

"I get it Yerim. You don't want her to get hurt. I mean, who even wants that?" I laugh a little when I said that.

"Your fans might." She said. I'd say, I was taken a back by that.

"Well then... I won't consider them as my fan at all, if that happens." I said.

"Isn't it unfair for them? They brought you to where you are now." Yeri said and she's right.

"They did, but Joohyun is the reason why I am here in the first place." I said. They would've never know me if it weren't for her.

"I guess you're really pursuing her again?" She asked me. I smiled confidently at her.

"I would." I said and started eating the food she brought.

"What if she already have eyes on someone that's not you?" that made me stop eating. I haven't really thought of that.

"Does she?" I asked Yeri.

"Well ummh."

"Don't prank me anymore, Yerimah." I said seriously. She laugh.

"Your confidence vanished, just like that. Wah!" she's still laughing. "Honestly? I don't know, you should asked Wendy unnie." Right! Wendy, her manager. Not gonna lie I was jealous of her before, I thought something was going on between them. Can't blame me they look so close, which they really are. But what shocked me is when Joy introduced her to me. I thought at first that she knew that she was Joohyun's manager, turned out she didn't.

"Unnie, I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't know..." She looked down.

"No. I'm sorry about 7 years ago. Even though I knew, I still chose to leave." I said to her. She look back up. "Eat with me?" I offer her the food she brought.

"You lied." Yeri said.

"I did." I suddenly felt regret again.


"Maybe because I don't want her to see me as someone who left her just like that. I d--"

"Didn't you think that maybe she will understand you?" Yeri asked.

"How? She doesn't even remember my existence in her past." I said bitterly. It's still a hurtfull fact though.

"Unnie! It's still Joohyun unnie, even thought she forgot her past, it's still her. And for fuck's sake! You did it for her. It's not like you left her for another woman or man... That's not the real case right?" Yeri asked me seriously. Of course not!

"No, no. Do you think I'm capable of doing that to her?" I questioned her and she smiled at me.

"You're right. I didn't even know how you live all those years, without unnie." She said as she laugh. She's making me look like I'm that whipped.

"Seeing her is enough." she's right. After I said that she laugh so hard. "Yah!" I whined.

"This could be a gre--" Yeri was stopped when someone suddenly entered the room

"Yah! Yeri unnie! Joohyun unnie just call-- ummn sorry to interupt." she bow.

"Jimin." I called her. She's a grown up now.

"Unnie." she smiled at me "it's nice seeing you in person, again."

"Yeah." I let out a sigh. "Jimin, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I--"

"Joohyun unnie explained it to me already. You don't have to explain yourself anymore, I understand you." she said before facing Yerim. "I'm sorry for interupting your catching up session, but you see... Joohyun unnie called me because Yeri unnie isn't answering her calls." I look at Yeri. She's looking for her phone right now. If she's still the same Joohyun, I guess you will be in trouble Yerim.

"What did she say?" Yeri asked, nervously.

"She told me if you won't get your ass on that filming site within an hour, she will be the one dragging you there." Jimin said. Oh? She had something scheduled, yet she's here?


"I am the one who will take care of Seulgi unnie, as to what Joohyun unnie have said. Now go, before your manager called unnie again." Jimin told her. She's really a grown up now.

"Fine! Don't beat her up okay?" Yeri told Jimin who just laugh and look at me. They're not talking about me, right?

"We'll see." Jimin said. what?!

"That's your unnie's future wife there." Yeri said. Not gonna lie that made me flustered.

"Oh, really?" Jimin raised her brow at me. 'I'll be, if you let me' God! She had grown up as intimidating as her sister.

"I won't be punched, right?" I asked after I saw the door being close and Jimin just laugh.

"No. Just please let me hug you." she asked softly. Okay? I got up from my seat and went to her.

"Did you miss me?" I asked her.

"Remove that thought on your head, unnie." she said as she hugged me tight. I just laugh

"So..." she let's go and looked at me as if there's a favor she wanted to ask. I chuckled.

"What is it?"

"Will you court my sister again?" she asked. She's fast.

"If she lets me..." I could finished what I was about say next.

"She will." Okay?

"How are you so sure in saying that?" I asked.

"I just know." she confidently said. "Speaking of courting someone..." Oh! There it goes.

"Who is it?" I can't help but ask her.

"I don't want to tell her name yet." She said, shyly. Great! I'm guessing it's the first time she asked someone.

"Okay then, what do you need?"

"Uhhmm. Can I get an autograph and a video greating? She's a fan of yours." I was shocked at what I've heard. Then I realized something and laugh.

"You're gonna have to tell me this person's name, if I'm doing that." I told her.

"I don't have a choice, don't I?" I shake my head and laugh.

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