Chapter XXIV

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Irene's POV

When we reached the restaurant. There's not much people there, that's why found where they are immediately. Seulgi was still holding my hand, until we reach to them. They were to immersed into talking that they didn't notice our arrival.

They look like they're talking to Jimin's friend. I can't see her face yet, since her back is facing us. When Yeri's eyes went to our direction, she suddenly exclaimed.


"Sorry, we made you wait." I said.

"We just got a problem with the car." Seulgi said that made them look at us in full worry.

"You two should get a driver." Sooyoung said. What?


"NO!" Seulgi and I said those in unison.

"No one's getting a driver." I heard Wendy said. She winked at me.

"But--" Sooyoung was suppose to oppose but Wendy spoke again.

"Why don't you sit first, love birds." I saw how her eyes went down to where my left hand is, which is held by Seulgi's. Is she teasing me? Seulgi pulled me and we sent to sit next to Yerim.

The moment I look at the person beside Jimin, I stopped my movements.


"Unnie. Hehe." She nervously said.

"You guys know each other?" Yerim asked. I thought she watched all of my dramas?

"It seems like, they do- ah!" Joy said. I suddenly look at her, she's giving Wendy confused expression now.

"They work together in one of unnie's drama." Wendy said.

"I'm guessing you two haven't watched it yet?" Jimin asked the two, who looks like they just regret being surprised earlier.

"Did you meet her there?" Yeri asked, maybe in the hopes of changing the topic. Haha

"No." Jimin answered that made the person beside me laugh.

"What's funny?" I asked her. When our eyes met she went silent.

"I-I... Nothing." She said, she then face Minjeong. "It's nice to finally meet you." Seulgi stand up and held out her hand for a handshake. Minjeong happily took it. I remember the first time I got a glimpse of Seulgi, it was her. Minjeong was the reason I got interested in Seulgi. If she haven't let me see that video...

"She's a fan of yours." I said out of nowhere. Seulgi face me and smiled.

"Jimin mentioned." She said before sitting back down. I face Minjeong, she's giving a questioning and a teasing look. I know what she's thinking, already.

"I'm happy you found your way, unnie." She said that made me chuckle.

"Thank you for showing it to me." She laugh at my response.

I look at the person beside me.

"You should thank her." I said pointing at Minjeong. Seulgi looked at me confused at first, but she did it regardless.

"You know what?" I hear Yeri suddenly spoke. "Why don't we talk while we eat. I'm having trouble digesting and understanding the conversation we're having now. Maybe it's because of hunger already." We all laugh at what she said.

The dinner went amazing. It felt like something I've miss so much. Now, I think it doesn't matter anymore if I remember or not. I just wish none of this things will perish.

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