Chapter IV

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Irene's POV

I felt a nudge on my shoulder and I swayed it away. It still feels like I just fell from my slumber and now someone's waking me up.

"Yah! wake up already!" I heard Wendy shouted. Well, I don't have a choice but to listen to her.

"God! why did I gave you the extra keys." I said I sat up on bed. When I opened my eyes, I see Wendy giving me a weird smile. I throw a pillow at her. "Yah! What's with that smile?"

"Come on downstairs I have good news for you." she said and walk to the door.

"Can't you just say it here?" I asked.

"No. You're breakfast is already prepared. Come down already and we'll talk about last night too." Then she winked at me. Okay?

I followed her behind. When we arrived at the dinning there's already two person occupying two chairs. I give Wendy a questioning look. I mean I haven't even wash my face yet and she didn't tell me we have visitors. I'm facing their backs, who even are they?

"Unnie, you look fine." Wendy whispered to me. She grabbed me and let me sit across where the two are sitting. When I look up to see who they are...

"Yah! What are you doing here Jimin!?" I can't believe I didn't recognize my sister's back.

"I just want to visit you. My God! Why didn't you tell me that Wendy unnie was The secret girlfriend of Joy Sunbae?" I forgot that she's a fan of Joy. Jimin's a model too, she just started though.

"Calm down, young lady." Joy said to Jimin. Wendy sat beside me since my sister decided to sit beside Joy first. "It was my fault for not telling you." Joy then patted Jimin's back. They're close?

We were just eating peacefully. Well, Joy and Jimin were talking, they talk like they're catching up. It's like they've know each other, longer. Maybe that's because they're in the same industry. I then remembered what Wendy told me earlier.

"So, what's the good news you were talking about earlier Wendy?" I see her swallow what she's chewing and drink her water.

"Don't be shock." I waited for her to continue, she have this smile plastered on here face. Is she teasing me? "Kang Seulgi have a dating rumor. She was seen last night having a date." After she said that, something inside me twitched. I don't know what this feeling is but I really don't like it, really. I mean, how is that even a good news?!

"Yah! You do remember me having a crush on her right? How is this even good?" I said in an instant that I forgot my sister is here.

"It's Seulgi Unnie?! " Jimin shouted as she looked at me with her eyes wide open. Oh My! Why did I say that? But why do Jimin look so nervous, with a shocked face? "F-finally, I know!" Jimin said and laugh, awkwardly.

"Unnie!" Joy said trying to catch my attention.

"Joy." I turn to look at her.

"Why do you like Seugli unnie?" Now, that's too random, she looks so curious tho.

"Unnie, what are yo-" Jimin was cut off

"Stop it Jimin!" Joy shouted. What's with this two?

"Okay... What is happening?!" I ask them. They all look at me in unison. Before any of them talk someone's phone started ringing. It's Joy's. She answered it. Without even thinking twice and put it on speaker. Why tho?

"Sooyoung-ah! Have you seen it?" That voice... It's familiar.

"Are you really expecting me not to see it? Yah! Have you forgotten how famous you are?!" Joy said. All we heard was a sigh on the other end. "And why is your company not releasing a statement yet? To clear up the issue, you know." It can't be...

"They haven't got an answer from me yet." the person on the other line answered

"And what exactly is the question?" Joy asked.

"Does she know already?" the other person asked in a worried tone.

"Unnie I was asking you something different but to answer you... No, she doesn't know yet." Joy said staring straight at me.

"That's a good thing, right?" the person on the other line answered in a sad tone.

"She will know unnie." Joy said.

"Of course she will, but I can't bring myself to deny this rumor Sooyoung-ah." It is Seulgi, but why is her voice just like the girl from... Wait!

"Joy." I called her. She then look up to me, waiting for me to talk.

"You're with her now?!" Seulgi asked through the phone. "I just heard my voice echoed. I guess I'm on speaker." she just sigh.

"Mianhe unnie." Joy said. Joy looked at me questioning, why I did that.

"Is she listening?" she asked.

"I am." I answered. I want to know if my thoughts are right.

"Oh." that was all she said.

"So, we're dating?" I asked, unintentionally. I felt their gazes are on me already.


"I mean... that was you last night, right?" I asked. My curiousity got the best of me.

"Yes." No way!

"You're rumored to be dating someone because of last night?"


"And I was with you last night, that means we're rumored to be dating?" I asked. I don't know how to react if that's the case.

"No." Oh! Haha. "They don't know your identity yet." what!?

"That's why you need to do something about it already, unnie." Joy said. "If you will prolong this issue, sooner or later, they will know who you were with. The people will dig deeper into it and that'll be a problem." Joy said seriously, she seems worried too. "Unnie you need to do this." It's like she's trying to convince the person to listen to her.

"I get it, Sooyoung-ah." with that, Joy give off a sigh of relief. also Jimin? "I'll call my team now. I'll talk to you later." They said their goodbyes and hung up.

"Yah! I was out with Kang Seulgi last night?!" I shouted.

"Why are you asking us? You're the one with her." Wendy said as she ate her food. She was just silent earlier.

"Well, she didn't introduce herself." I said. I'd say I am a little bit disappointed at that.

"She didn't?!" Joy reacted. What's with her now?

"Good thing she didn't." I was shocked when Jimin said that. I gave her a questioning look, she just shrugged and eat a spoonfull.

"Jimin." Joy warned her. Something is up with this two, I know it. Joy is calling her Jimin, that means, they're that close.

Before I could say something to them two phones started to ring. It's mine and Wendy's, we both looked at each other. I look at the caller ID.

"It's Yerim." I let her see who's calling me. She just nodded.

"I need to take this, excuse me." Wendy said and walk away from us.

"I need to take this too." I told the two and they just let me. I walk far from them too and answered the call.

"Kim Yerim? Why'd you call? Are you coming over again? I'm tell-" she cuts me off.

"What am I seeing on the news unnie?! Is this real?!" Now that was loud, too loud but what?

"What do you mean?" I asked. Did...

"You're rumored to be dating Kang Seulgi." When I heard that I immediately turn to where Wendy is. She's already facing me, with a worried look.


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