Chapter VIII

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Seulgi's POV

My phone rings again. It's been like that since the this morning. I can't get out of the house because the reporters are waiting outside. I don't even know how they knew my address.

"Unnie can you please answer that, the sound doesn't help." Joy said and she got up from the couch.

Joy came here this morning looking like a mess. I wasn't expecting it to be honest because I just called her that time, she seemed fine. She told me something happened at Joohyun's place and what frustrates me is, she wouldn't tell me.

She was far from the Joy I knew, when she arrived earlier. The moment I opened up the door for her she breakdown. She just cried and when she calmed down a little, I asked her what happened, but...

"Unnie! Your phone!" she whined as she said that. I grabbed my phone and turned it off.

"What happened there, Sooyoung-ah?" I face her. "Please, just tell me." I begged. She just looked at me in worry.

"Unnie, why didn't you take actions like you've told us, in that phone call?" She asked. Was it because of that? She looked down. "It's weird that I was quite expecting it already. You, not denying this rumor... But unnie, you told her you'll do it and she trusted you." She looked at me in the eye. Her eyes are getting a little teary again.

"What really happened there?" I keep asking that. Maybe because I don't know what to answer her, with her question. She chuckled, though she seemed sad about something.

"Yerim." hearing just that name, made me go up to her and give her a hug. Not long later I heard her sob.

"Unniee..." I felt her grip my shirt. "She was really hurt, she still is." with that she burst out in crying again. I can't help my tears from falling too. This is all my fault. "She didn't even let me explain, unnie. All I could think of that time was guilt. Looking at her, made me so mad at myself for letting her suffer alone. It must've been so hard for her." Sooyoung cried out.

"Mianhe." that's the only thing I could say between my cries. "Mianhe." she let's go of me. I just looked down. "I'm really sorry for dragging you with me, that time, Sooyoung-ah. Yeri would've not resented you, if you didn't come with me. I co--" she held both my arms.

"Don't apologize, unnie. What you did that time was right, you did it for yourself. Me, going with you was my decision, you did not force me." She said to me. "Unnie, I did not regret going with you. I just wished we knew about the accident sooner, unnie. I wish we could've been there, when everything got tough for Irene unnie and Yeri. They've suffered a lot and us, only knowing it later, made me really upset." Sooyoung said as she wipes my tears.

With all that Joy said, I still can't help but blame myself. I shouldn't have ran away. I shouldn't have been so impulsive and decided to leave, after that night. Would there be a difference if I stayed? Joy was right, I needed to get away that time but I can't help and think that maybe if I did stay, none of this would've happened. We may have still fallen apart, but none of us would've suffered like Yeri and Joohyun had.

Irene's POV

I'm on my way at Seulgi's. I want answers. Yeri and Jimin already told me what they know, but they are also clueless on why Seulgi and Joy left that time. Joy did say that she went away because someone needed her. I'm guessing she meant Seulgi, since they disappeared and came back at the same time, at least that's what they told me. With Jimin and Yeri's story, everything seemed good that day. So, what hurt Seulgi, in that short period of time, that made her want to leave everything behind?

My phone suddenly rings and I was removed from my thoughts. I answer the call and put it on speaker.

"Yah! Unnie, where are you?!" Kim Yerim shouted from the other line.

"Unnie! My car!" Jimin shouted. Yes, I stole her car. Reporters will recognize my car, if I'll use it, to go to Seulgi's place.

"I'll just borrow it for now, Jimin. Use my car, if you want to go out." I said and just focus on driving.

"Wendy unnie said, we will not let you go out alone." Jimin said.

"Unnie if you will not comeback here, in an instant, I will..." she paused.

"You will what Yerimah?" Let's see how far can they scare me.

"I- I will... Ah! I will find Jimin a girlfriend! Ouch! That hurt! Unnie!" She whined. I'm guessing Jimin smacked her. I am relieved that this two can still joke around, even after what happened this morning.

"The company is taking actions, already. We don't have to worry that much, anymore. I--" I paused at the sight of reporters in front of Seulgi's house. "Shit!" I stopped my car on the side of the road.

"Unnie! What happened?!" Yeri and Jimin panicked through the phone call. Should I just go home?

"Can I call you two later? I need to call Wendy." I said. They were about to protest, but I already hang up and called Wendy.

"Wendy." The moment she answered I spoke.

"Unnie, is there a problem?" she answered.

"I--" just that I realized Wendy's tone was different. "Are you crying?!"

"Don't mind me unnie, why'd you call?" She said. I can tell she's still trying to calm herself down.

"Wendy, what happened? Why are you crying? Did something happened? or is this about earlier? Did you fight with Joy? If you did, Wendy, you must've misunderstood--" I was stopped.

"Unnie, I already know." she said in defeat. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"No. Where are you now? I'll--"

"I suggest, do not go out of your house just yet. Your controversy with Seulgi is still a hot topic. You know how this industry works, when it comes to those things, unnie." Wendy said, sincerely. Oh! but I'm already out.

"Wends..." Shit!

"Unnie..." she said in a warning tone. She already know what I did. "Where are you?"

"I'm near Seulgi's place." I said honestly.

"What!? Unnie! It's loaded with reporters there! I know because I drove Sooyoung there." Her tone change into worry. "Unnie, the company just released a statement. If someone sees you there this time, again, people will suspect more. Why are you even there?"

"I want to ask her something." I said in a lower tone

"Unnie, can't you do it when the issue die down already?" She asked.

"I want answers now, Wendy. I don't think I can sleep or rest, if I can't get it now. I'm about to lose my mind, with all this unanswered questions that only she can answer." I said, letting out my frustrations. Wendy stayed silent. "Wendy?" What she said next made shocked.

"It's impossible for you to go through those reporters, unnie. When I drove Sooyoung there, she called Seulgi first, then the guards helped my car pass through the gate. I'm sure Sooyoung is still there. If you want, I can call her." Here I thought she would force me to go home.

"Are you serious?" I asked in shock. She just hummed in response. Wait! I just remembered something. "Didn't you had a fight with Joy?" I asked

"It's okay unnie, I can call her." It was silent for minute before she answered. It seems like she made some thought about that first.

"You don't have to--" she cut me off

"It's fine unnie, really." she assured me. "Please tell me you're using a different car and not the one you used, the last time you went there." She said.

"It's not the same car. I'm using Jimin's." I heard her released a sigh of relief.

"Good. I'll call you, after I talk to Sooyoung." she said before she hung up. I have a feeling Wendy knows already.

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