Chapter XVI

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Seulgi's POV

I felt my heart beating faster than usual now. I just stare at her talking to my manager now.

"Unnie, stop staring." I heard Jimin said.

"Jimin." I called her not removing my eyes from her sister, who is in a serious talk now with my manager, in my living room. I heard a hum as a response. "Why do you think she said those? Why did she claimed me as her girlfriend?"

"I don't know, unnie. Let's just ask her after their talk, they seemed too into their topic now." Jimin said. The two are still talking but suddenly my eyes meet hers. I don't know why but she's confusing me.

"Seulgi." I look at my manager, who's calling me.

"Oppa?" I walk to where they are. I don't even know why these two asked to talk privately.

"I'll go now. It seems like you won't be needing my company here." Is he teasing me? He look back at Joohyun as he stands up. "I'll go now, Seulgi's girlfriend and Karina. Don't let Seulgi wander around, again, like she's not famous at all." He looked at me with a glare. "I'll talk to the heads..." He said. What will he say?


"I'll convince them to just ignore it for now, and wait for your own statement." I was relieved when I heard that.

"Oppa, about the rumor..." My eyes met Joohyun. "They know it was Joohyun, right? At the park?"

"They do. Why do you ask?" He look at me confused. Why did a reporter still asked me?

"It's just that... When me and Jimin were with the reporters, back at the mall, a reporter asked me if it was her. They also told me about pre debut photos of me and Irene, that are going around online." I said.

"Were you really avoiding the news, that you didn't know about those? About the reporter that asked you, maybe they just wanted confirmation from you." Oppa said. Honestly? after receiving a call from Oppa that I have a dating rumor, I avoided seeing what people had to say about it, except from the ones that are close to me. "I already talked about this with Irene." he said that shocked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked and look at Joohyun.

"It's better if you avoid going to crowded places for now. Irene told me that you need be out of spotlight before your concert." He said. Why would she say that? "and I agree with her. You need rest Seulgi. I know the team gave you a time off already, but knowing you... I know you wouldn't take that. If you will not listen to us, at least listen to your girlfriend. You need rest." He tapped my shoulder. "I'll get going now." He said before walking out. I just watch him went out of my house.

What just happened?

"Kindly explain why you two went out?" I turn to look at who spoke, she have her arms crossed waiting for a response. If only I haven't heard anything from Oppa, I would be scared by now.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her. "The concert is near already. I should be doing rehearsals, instead of having some rest." I said with a higher tone. Even I myself was shocked at what I said.

"Unnie!" I heard Jimin.

"You're still gonna have your rehearsals, Seulgi. I just want you to use that month of rest, they have given to you." Joohyun said defending what she just did.

"Why would I need rest for?" I said that and stare at her. I know exactly what she's doing, but why is she doing this?

"You have this condition, Seulgi. You can't just do work all the time. Your manager told me that eversince you've been the workaholic type. With your condition--"

"I've been doing this for years already. My condition never really go--" I got cut off as well.

"What about us Seulgi?!" She suddenly raised her voice. "We need time to fix things. Are you really just gonna continue with your life, after what happened?" I reached for my chest feeling my heart beating faster than usual. Fuck! "Seul, you okay?" she stepped closer to me, with a worried look.

"Unnie, you're being dramatic." I heard Jimin said. "Of course, Seulgi unnie's fine. She just couldn't control her heart beat now, because of what you've said. It's not as bad as you think i-- ouch!" I throw a pillow at her direction. I hate that she's right.

"You won't be having your rehearsals until next month, Seulgi, wether you like it or not." I look at Joohyun who said that. "Auntie and Uncle already agreed on this. If you're still not going to--"

"I'm fine with it." I said in defeat. Actually I'm not. I'm not allowed to go out nor go to rehearsals that means, I'm stuck at home.

"No, you're not." Jimin said and I threw her another pillow, which she caught. "Seulgi unnie will get bored here, all alone."

"Who said she's gonna be alone?" Joohyun asked that shocked me an Jimin. We both look at each other. It's not what I'm thinking right?

"Unnie..." Jimin started.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Joohyun." I said.

"It is. All we--" she was cut off when someone suddenly entered the house.

Joy is walking through the door with luggages. I look at Jimin and she facepalmed. I walk to where Joy is.

"What's this for?" I asked as I pointed at what she brought.

"Oh! These are my things. Joohyun unnie haven't told you yet?" Sooyoung look behind me, to where I left Joohyun. I thought...

"That scared me." Jimin said and released a sigh. "I thought you Joohyun unnie will be the one staying here with Seulgi unnie." I thought so too, Jimin.

"Who said, I'm not?" Joohyun said.

"What?!" Jimin and I said in unison. Before Joohyun could say something again. Another person have entered my home.

"Sorry to keep you waiting unnie. Here are the things you've asked." Wendy spoke up. She bowed at each one of us. I expect her to greet Sooyoung differently, but I gues they're still not in good terms.

"Thank you, Wannie." She went to Wendy and got help her out with what she's carrying. "Let's get this to the kitchen." she told Wendy and they walk away from us. I look at Sooyoung who is only looking at Wendy. What happened to them?

"Yah! Sooyoung-ah, what happened to you and Wendy?" Sooyoung turn to look at me. I can tell, she's hurting.

"We're on a break unnie." she give me a force smile. Her eyes started to get watery. "I'll fix my things at one of the guest rooms, unnie." she then walk to the room.

I want to ask more but I think now's not the right time to ask. I look at Jimin.

"Looks like one relationship broke after saving the other." Jimin spoke.

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