Chapter XX

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Irene's POV

I woke up with the sound of my alarm. It has been my morning routine already to wake up early to cook breakfast for all of us, that are living here. It's fine with me, since I don't have anything to do. Since it was my idea that we'll all stay here, I do think of them as my responsibility now.

This morning, I feel lazy and still sleepy. maybe because of the fact that I stayed up late last night. I just can't seem to sleep early, like I used to, because of what happened.

After Seulgi whispered those words to me, I had the urge to run out of her room, which I did do. After that, I just went straight in my room and didn't went out. They called me for dinner, but I just acted out being asleep. Good thing I wasn't hungry that time, but I'm hungry now. I don't have a choice but to get out.

When I was about to pass by Seulgi's room, I stopped. Is she awake already? Oh, who am I kidding? I just walk my way to the kitchen already and started cooking. I was almost done when...

"What are you cooking?" someone suddenly spoke so close to me, that made me startled.

"What the fuck?!" I said to her, out of shock. "Can you not do that!" I said before I focus back to the food I'm making. I heard her laugh from behind, then all of a sudden I felt a chin on my shoulder. I was about to turn and look at her, but I don't think it's a good idea. That's why I just continued my work.

"Almost done?" She asked almost in a whisper, since her head is close to my ear already. I just hummed in response. I just don't want to make a mistake once I talk. I felt her hands in both my waist. What is she doing? Then she wrapped it around me, it's like she's back hugging me. "Good morning, Hyun." She said before she kissed me on the cheek. I just froze because of what she did. "I'll set up the table." after she said that she move away from me. What just happened?

"Get yourself together, Joohyun!" I whispered to myself. Oh my God!

"Unnie! Your early." I heard Joy's voice from the back. I know she's saying that to Seulgi. After I'm done cooking I went to where they are and placed the food on the table.

"I'll just go get Yeri." I said and was about to walk away hen someone grabbed my wrist.

"Yeri's not here. She didn't go home last night." Oh. Why didn't she text me? "She called me, in case you might be worried." why her? when she could just call me, herself. I was about to go and sit beside Joy when I realized she's still holding me. I look at her and she signaled me to just sit beside her. Of course I sat beside her, I don't want things to get awkward.

"Did something happened yesterday?" When Joy spoke, I look up to her.

"No, no---" I was cut off when a phone starts ringing. We all look at each other.

"It's yours, Hyun. My phone's upstairs and Sooyoung's phone is with her." Seulgi said. I excuse myself and went to answer the call. It's Wendy.

"Unnie! Please tell me you're free today." Wendy just burst that out as soon as I answered.

"Yah! You're still my manager, you know my schedule. Plus, I'm on a break remember how could I be busy?" I said that. With the sound of her voice, she panicking.

"That's right. I'm still your manager yet I forgot to tell you important things. I'm sorry unnie." She said from the other line.

"What do you mean?"

"It's about the movie, unnie." I just waited for her to continue before I react. "They told me there are some changes that needs to be done."

"It's fine Wendy. Just send me the new script for the changes, then tell me when and where will the filming take place." I said. I know Wendy is already busy with their company, I should find a replacement already.

"That's actually the problem unnie..." Just that I realized everything.

"It's today, isn't it?" I asked nervously. With her being silent, I got my answer. "Yah! Son Seungwan! When did they schedule this?!"

"Last week?" What the?!

"WENDY! YAH!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry unnie. It's just that, so many things happened last week. I don't..." It looks like I don't have choice now.

"Okay! Wendy, just send me the new script and please tell me it's not this morning." I said calmly.

"I emailed it to you already. It's this afternoon. I'm sorry again, unnie." What is happening to her? She never forget about things like this.

"It's fine." I said. Maybe there's so much running through her mind these past few days. "Are you going there with me?"

"Sorry unnie. Dad set up a meeting with the board later, I have to be there." She said. She's so busy now.

"I'm going to miss you, Wanda." I said sincerely.

"Unnie..." she said. I just laugh at her tone. I know she's getting emotional already, so am I. "You know what? I'm going to be there. I'll pick you up later." She suddenly said. I just laugh.

"Uncle won't let you to that." I said.

"He will, right Dad?" She said on the other line. huh?

"Joohyun. May I ask what you did to be my daughter's priority? You're not even her girlfriend." I hear her dad suddenly speak up. "Imagine if she have a partner? That person might've feel unfairness. Even I, her own father, gets jealous of the attention she give you." He said while laughing. I never thought they think that way. Does Joy feel that way?


"What? It's true. Are you sure you don't have feelings for Joohyun?" Uncle asked her.

"Ew! No, I don't!" She automatically deny, her father just laugh

"Really, Wendy? Is the thought of falling for me that disgusting?" I acted insulted. Her father laugh again.

"Yes, unnie. Plus, you are not my type!" She shouted.

"Then what is your type, Wendy?"

"Sooyoung. She's my type." She suddenly burst out.

"Who is Sooyoung?" I heard uncle seriously asked that. Oh My God! Wendy, I'm sorry. I'm guessing Wendy is still in shock by what she had said. It took time before she answered her father, but what she said after shock me.

"She's someone who's really important to me, Dad. The person who needs my comfort just as much as I need hers..." She confessed to her father. I turn around to look at the person she is talking about now. She's already staring at my direction which made our eyes meet. I just listen to what Wendy's saying and I felt like crying already. I'm proud of her.

"Joohyun. Is it okay if we end the call already?" Uncle said from the other line.

"Of course, uncle." we bid our goodbyes before I hang up. I wipe the tears that fell from my eyes.

"Here." I hear Seulgi speak. I didn't realize she was already beside me. She's handing me a box of tissue. I can't hold my laugh the moment I see it. It's not like I'm crying, crying. "Come here." She suddenly held both my cheeks and make me look at her. That made me fluster. No matter how much I hold it in, every time she does something, it always make my heart beats so fast.

She wipe my tears using her hand. Where's the box of tissue she just hand over to me? Why isn't she using it?! She giggled. "Cute." She squish my cheeks after she said that.

"You were talking to Wendy, right unnie?" I wanted to face Joy to answer her, But I think Seulgi doesn't have a plan on removing her hands on my face. She's just smiling at me. What the?!

"Yes." I said. I held both Seulgi's hand to remove it, but she's still not letting go.

"Why were you crying unnie? Did something happen to her?" I can feel how worried Joy is, based of her tone.

"She's okay, Joy, don't worry. It was just tears of Joy, I was crying because I was ha-- Let go, Seulgi!" I raise my voice. I was already annoyed, not at her but at the fact that I can't remove her hold on me.

"Make me." She said as lean closer to me.

"Kang Seulgi." I said as a warning for her to not go closer anymore. For God's sake! Joy's just beside us.

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