Chapter II

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Irene's POV

"It is a big deal Wendy! That was on top of my list that you should get and now you're telling me, you couldn't get at least one?" I shouted at her. I'm not scolding her, I'm just expressing my dissapointment.

"You really want to see her perform?" Wendy asked. Isn't it obvious?!

"I want to see her." I just said in a lower tone this time, to express my dissapointment again.

"We can't do anything anymore. I'm sorry if your crush is on top of the music industry, that I can't buy you ticket to her concert because I was just a day late." Wendy said sarcastically. "Unless..." I look up to her.

"Unless what?" I asked.

"What if I'll ask Joy for help, she's close with Seulgi. We can even get backstage passes!" she exclaimed. Okay, it's tempting.

"What if she can't--"

"I'll just ask her. You can't stop me. I can't have you whining all the time." she said as she starts dialling someone on her phone. She excuse herself. I just hope she'll get it.

Wendy came back with a smile on her face.

"I guess you convinced her to help me." She nodded as she picked up her bag. I know where this is going.

"I have a date." She said.

"Yah! That's too unfair!" I slap her arm.

"The concert is still in two months. You sure you don't want to use your connections?" She wiggle her brows and walk away from me.

"I can wait." I said confidently.

"Joy said she's still on her break. Next month she'll start her rehearsals. So, if you have plans, make your move now while she's still free. Besides you're on a break too." She said before closing the doors. Is she really my friend?!

I went back to my room. I decided to just sleep. I still need to make up for all those sleepless nights. I woke up almost night already. I checked my phone for the time, but it just schocked me to recieve so many miss calls from Wendy.

"What the?!" I dialled her directly.

"Hello? Do you need something?" She said. Is she eating?

"Yah! You're the one who called almost 20 times." I did not recieve an answer right away. I heard someone else talk from the other line.

"Owh! Sorry that was at lunch--wait! It's dinner time already Irene Bae! If you haven't seen my calls that lunch, it means--" She started shouting. Oh God! I thought she's with someone, why is she still this loud?

"I overslept Wendy. About your calls?" I change back the topic. I don't want her scolding me, while she's with other people.

"Right! I was suppose to ask you to join us for lunch, since Seulgi showed up--"



"Yah!!! Why didn't you just asked me before you left!" I shouted.

"I don't want you third wheeling on our date." she said. .

"But it was okay with Seulgi being with you?" I asked. I heard someone laugh on the other side.

"Yah! Wendy! Are you putting me on speaker?" I shouted again.

"Yes. Joy's listening to you ranting over things that I do not control. I called you already unnie, you didn't answer. I guess you were not meant to meet that time." she laugh after saying that. "Ouch!" she then shout.

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