Chapter V

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Irene's POV

"Unnie?! Are you still there?" Yeri asked. I guess the management called Wendy.

"Yes." I answered.

"Unnie, is it true?" I felt worry in Yeri's voice.

"No." I said honestly.

"Her company usually deny or confirm issues directly before it even spread wildfire, that's why people are starting to think this might be true. Or maybe she doesn't want to deny it." Yeri said that last part in a whisper, it's like she's telling those words to herself. I don't know what to say. I mean, the issue isn't even a day old yet. How did... God!

"Hey unnie? Please tell me you're okay. Is Wendy unnie with you?" I can hear how worried Yeri is now. "Unnie, I'm on my way there." She said

"I'm fine Yeri-ah." I said. Honestly? I don't know what to feel.

"Just don't read and watch news nor open any social media, okay?" Yeri said. Now this is a first.

"Okay." Then I suddenly remembered "Yah! Kim Yerim, aren't you shooting your drama?! Why are you com--" she cut me off.

"You're more important unnie." and then she hang up. Yeri's been there for me, for as long as I can remember. She worries about me a lot, which is weird because I've been taking care of her ever since. Does she think I can't take care of myself?

I noticed Wendy is already in front of me.

"Everyone knows already. Apparently, a photo of you not wearing any disguise, infront of Seugli's house, was posted. It's clear that is was you with Seulgi." Wendy said.

"Because that was really me, Wendy." I laugh and she was shocked by that.

"The heads wants to know, if it's true or not." Wendy said.

"Let's just wait for Seulgi." I said and walk back to the kitchen.

"And you're not going to do something?" Wendy said. "As far as I know this is the first controversy you've got into, in the years you have been in the industry, and this is a huge one unnie. If we don't speak up now this can affect your career, and Seulgi's. Seulgi just debuted lasted year. I don't know what's going through her mind right now, that she's keeping her company from denying the rumor, but if she can't do it? You need to. One of you should do something." I laugh, that made her confused.

"You were just teasing me earlier Wendy, saying it's good news and now?" I said

"I was being a friend earlier, I'm being your manager now." unbelievable! "Let's not prolong an issue that's not even true." Wendy said.

"What if it is true?" Wendy was taken aback by that. "Will you still convince me to deny it for the sake of my career?" Wendy just stand there looking at me. I just want to know, if ever that's the case.

"But it's not true unnie." This time Jimin's the one who talked. "Don't corner Wendy unnie with your question. She's just doing her work, doing what she thinks is best for you. Why are you even against the idea of you denying the issue to the public?" I don't know! It just felt so wrong, if I do it.

"Let's just leave it to Seulgi, she already said she'll talk to her manager." I said.

"Why do you trust her that much?! Your career is on the line here!" I really don't know! "Hate to break it to you but if you won't make a move unnie, no one will." what does she mean?

"Seulgi unnie won't deny it." Joy said. I look at her. "I know her, she have been denying dating rumors since her debut, but I know this time she won't" Joy said looking straight at me. Why though? Didn't she just say... "I suggest, you just do what Wendy is asking from you. It's for your own good and it's the truth." I look at Wendy, she is just looking down. Is she somehow upset with my question earlier?

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