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back in the container the boys and jen were still awake. i walked in, they just looked quick then ignore me again. what was up with them?
i walked to tim and tried to talk to him.
"where tf where you all the time?" he looked mad.
"i was on a walk and met someone, sorry it wasn't my plan to stay so long away without telling you" i answered. i feel bad cause i could have tell them where i was but it seems like the other didn't give a fu** where i was.
"do what ever you want liz, you are an adult" with that he turned away from me.
"tim stop" i said a bit louder "wtf is going on, why you all don't talk to me? you ask me to come with you and help you with everything. what did i do wrong? i feel like you don't want me her anymore" i wanted to scream at him but i stayed calm.
"whatever you mean liz. we attended the beds already, you weren't here so i make you some space at the ground. night liz." he said. this answer hurts. i was okay with the other boys acting like this but not tim my "best friend". i know why i hate title people like that. you let them close and they only ended up hurting you.

i put my sleep bag on the ground and searched for the things i need to get ready for the night. i just realized i still wear kells jacket, fu**. i left the container to go to the bathroom area. when i came back everyone was still quite and didn't even look at me as i walked in. i cuddled into my sleep bag. it was more than uncomfortable and i couldn't believe why i had to sleep on the ground. jen and nick could sleep in one bed for a night but it is how it is. i was grateful for met kells today, he was clearly the best of it.. i hope the next days are going to be better.

i slept awful. the next morning i woke up everyone was already up and seems like the had breakfast. "wow, they didn't wake me up, nice" i though. i tried to talk to them again but it end in screaming, it was horrible. tim came to me "look liz, we know you have to stay, please stay but we organize everything alone now. go, have fun but don't annoy us."
what? how did i annoy them?? i still was completely confused but after the fight i had no power to try to clear thing up because i already know i would fail.
i agreed and took my stuff to get ready for the day. i chose the same as yesterday but i put a korn t-shirt on this time. i guess i can enjoy the few days as a visitor. i have to do the best out of all of this.

the day went on and we all still don't talk much with each other. i talked to tim to give him all my information about their gig, other appointments and everything. but every time i asked him whats going on or if he could talk to me otherwise form the important festival stuff, he didn't answered me. that behavior was so childish. i wish i just could leave but i signed papers for the festival and without me the couldn't stay and play their gig. it was a lot paperwork to make it new with one of their names. i don't know what was going on rn but i didn't wanted to ruin the chance they have here. i still believed we are friends, at least tim and i since we know each other since ages. i also don't know how to travel back home without planing it before and without a car.

after i slept the night on the floor i decided to try manage a bed for me. they said they would organizing me a bed tomorrow. that means an other night on the ground. what did i do to deserve this.

summer experience // machine gun kellyWhere stories live. Discover now