Chapter four - Training

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Dream's pov

She's already starting to remember. Dammit. I had just left Ophelia's room and was headed to my office. The good news is it seems to be a memory from her childhood. But there's no garentee she won't remember anything about l'manburg. The other good news is she doesn't seem to know who the boys in the memory are. Although I have a guess. I entered my office walking to sit in the chair behind my desk. Once sitting I went back to my thoughts.

If she's starting to remember then we just have to befriend her quicker.

. . .

"Good morning Ophelia." I said handing her a plate of waffles. It had been three days since I brought her to my house. Tommy's been in and out of the smp, obsessively looking for her. She hasn't had any more dream like memories since that night. At least none that she's told me of.

"Good morning boys." She said cheerfully. She took the plate with a thank you and sat down at the counter next to Sapnap.

"Someone's happy." Sapnap said looking up at the girl next to him.

"I just have a good feeling about today." She spoke smiling. So far she seemed to be warming up to us. I think Sapnap and George are really starting to like her too. To be honest I was as well. She's funny, smart, kind, and beautiful. She never fails to make me smile. I shook the thoughts from my head. It's just pretend. It's to get her to join us. "Where's George?" She questioned bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Still sleeping." Sapnap responded simply.

"Seriously? But he went to bed before all of us. Not to mention it's almost eleven a.m." she said surprised.

"That's George for you." Sapnap stated laughing a little.

"Geeze, I thought I woke up late." She mumbled.

"Hey Ophelia." She turned to me. "Want to learn some moves today?" I asked smiling a little. She had been asking me to teach her how to fight, ever since she saw me and Sapnap fooling around. I also needed to train her anyways so she could join us in the war. I just wanted to give her a couple days to heal from her concussion, and get her bearings.

"Really?!" She said excitedly. I nodded. "Yes Finally!" She yelled pumping her fist in the air. Her energy reminded me a lot of a certain blonde sixteen year old.

"Calm down and eat your breakfast." I said laughing at her.

"Oh yeah whoops!" She spoke looking down at her plate and eating a fork full of waffle.

. . .

Ophelia's pov

"Show me your stance." Dream said while circling me. We were in a small clearing about half a mile from the house. I moved my fists in front of me holding them up. He laughed.

"That's what you call a fighting stance?" He questioned walking towards me. "Here." He said grabbing my waist with his hands "Spread your feet out." He helped me position myself. Then he took his hands off my waist to move my arms. "There." He said letting go. He walked back to where he was before and began circling me again. This stance feels oddly familiar. Suddenly he lunged at me.

"Defend yourself!" He yelled before going to punch my stomach. But he never hit it. I had blocked him. How did I know to do that?

"It seems this isn't your first fight." He had gone back to his spot circling me once again.

"I guess not. This actually feels kind of normal." I admitted watching him. Maybe this was something I learned before I lost my memory.

"It could be muscle memory." He said shrugging. This time I lunged at him, hoping to catch him off gaurd. Oh how sorely mistaken I was. I went for his torso but before I even got near him he moved to grab my arm. I tried to move out of the way, but I was too slow. He grabbed my wrist pulling me forwards and letting go so I would fall to the ground. I did, but I used the momentum to roll and bring me back to my feet. I spun back around to face him, but he was...gone? No. Above me! I was too late to react. Dream came crashing down on me. I fell face first into the ground. He stayed on top of me grabbing my hands and pulling them behind my back. He leaned forward. His mask right next to my ear.

"Got you." He whispered, his breath hot on my neck. My breath hitched in my throat and I felt my face heat up. But before I could register what was happening he let go of my hands and stood up, allowing me to roll over onto my back.

"Again?" He questioned extending his hand out to me. It was times like these when I wish he didn't wear that stupid mask. I wanted to be able to read his expression. I wanted to know if he was as flustered as I was at the moment.

I nodded and grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull me up from my spot on the ground. The rest of the day was just him giving me tips, us sparring, and then more tips. We did that till the sun began to set. It was fun.

Tommy's pov

"You need to focus Tommy." Will had been trying to get me to focus on l'manburg and its people for the past three days.

"How am I supposed to focus with Ophelia missing! How can you just sit here and not go looking for her!" I yelled while gesturing out the window of the camarvan. "She's out there in the world with no memory, no home, no help!" I added still yelling. Fundy had said before she woke up there was a possibility she wouldn't remember anything. That's why wilbur said we should lock the door. He said if she woke up when we weren't there it would be best, so she couldn't do anything if she freaked out or some shit like that. Oh how wrong he was.

"Tommy you know I want to find Ophelia as much as you do, but you can't keep going to the smp, your going to get yourself killed." He said while placing a hand on my shoulder. "We'll find her. I promise, but...we have to focus on the good of l'manburg right now." He paused. "Besides, knowing Ophelia she's probably hiding out somewhere killing any mob that comes near her." He's right. I know he is. Ophelia's strong. She can handle herself, memory or not. She's always been strong when it comes to fighting.

"Yeah...probably. " I mumbled looking down at my feet.

"Our people need us Tommy. More and more people are coming to take refuge from Dream's rule or others. We don't have enough supplies for all of them. We barely have enough food to feed 20 people. I'm sorry Tommy but...I think we might have to surrender." My head shot up.

"What?! Fuck no! Will, were not fucking surrendering to that-that green bitch!" I screamed in his face.

"Tommy we have no other choice! You said it yourself we have nothing! Besides if we negotiate with Dream, maybe, just maybe we can still keep l'manburg."

"But we won't be free!! We started l'manburg for FREEDOM-"

"I KNOW TOMMY!" He boomed through the van cutting me off. I hadn't heard him raise his voice like that since the day Ophelia left. It was scary. he sighed. "I know." He spoke sadly.


1279 words

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and are having a better day than me!


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