Chapter nineteen - The Cause of it All

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"Election? I don't understand. I thought you were already the president?" I questioned the brunette standing on the other side of the wooden table in the van.

"I am. But I don't want this place to be a monarchy like the DreamSMP. I want l'manburg to be a democracy. And right now that can't happen since I basically instilled myself as president." He explained calmly. I just nodded, letting him know I understood.

"So then who's all running?" I aksed curiously. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tubbo frown a bit. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, but before I could say anything Wilbur spoke again.

"I'm running as president with Tommy as my vice president. Tubbo will continue to be the secretary of state." He said gesturing to the two boys.

"Ok? But who's running against you?" I saw a slightly evil grin grow on his face before he quickly covered it by a smile.

"That's the brilliant part. There are no other candidates. It's the perfect plan. No one will know about the election until it's voting day. That way me and Tommy will be the only candidates and we'll win for sure!" He said, the same evil grin from before creeping in from behind his fake smile.

"Yeah!" Tommy shouted, pumping his fist in the air excitedly.

I looked back at Tubbo to see he was a little uneasy about the plan. I was just as uneasy as Tubbo and decided to speak up for him.

"Isn't that a little unfair?" I questioned carefully. Wilbur's fake smile dropped completely and was replaced with a frown. I swear I saw a bit of fear in his eyes too, but it quickly disappeared.

"You don't have to help if you're uncomfortable with the plan, just don't tell anyone about the election." He spoke quickly. Like he was afraid or something.

Confused by his sudden change in tone, I only nodded my head and walked out of the van. I figured I'd just leave them to it.

As I was walking away I heard the door to the van open and shut again. I turned around to see Tubbo running after me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"Hey Tubbo. What's up?" I said as the small brunette approached me.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come to this flower field me and Tommy go to all the time." My mind immediately went to the beautiful hidden flower field I visited every night with my boyfriend. The thought of it made me smile. I then remembered what Tubbo had said and quickly shook the thoughts from my head.

"I'd love too!" I replied cheerfully, the smile on my face growing.

"Cool! Follow me!" He exclaimed as he ran off towards the gate. I quickly checked my inventory, making sure I had my axe, before running after him. We walked through the forest in an awkward scilence. I didn't remember much about the boy only Little things from when we were kids and him, Tommy, and I were all doing something together.

I can imagine we were close though. Over the past couple days we've gotten along really well and I already consider him one of my best friends. Although at some points I can't tell if he feels the same. Sometimes I'll say something and I can see fear in his eyes. Like one time I asked him a question about l'manburg and its government. His smile dropped immediately and he took a step back, fear clearly visible in his eyes. I dropped the topic immediately and moved on.

I know he's not scared of government itself so I don't know why he was so afraid when I asked about it. Unless? Is he afraid of me? But why would he be? I then remembered one of the memories from when I was with Wilbur. He was showing me around l'manburg and I threatened him. I said if he didn't run his country fairly and instead used the power to his advantage that I would destroy it all. Why would I say that!?

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