Chapter forty one - Ophelia?

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Tommy's pov

I screamed and shut my eyes, waiting for the inevitable but five seconds passed and I wasn't dead. Then, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, elev-wait what the fuck is going on? I should be dead. I opened my eyes and looked down to see that, yes the ground was coming towards me, but at a very slow speed. I looked up to see the cliff I had been shoved from, but I wasn't able to see my father or Ophelia. Am I dead? Is this hell? Am I being forced to relive my death in slow motion?

You're not dead Tommy.

I screamed.

"Who the fuck said that?" I said looking around me as I landed on the ground gently.

It doesn't matter. You need to run before your dad tries to kill you again.

At that statement I looked up again to see my father peering over the cliff with a look of pure rage. I stumbled and fell backwards but instead of just landing on my ass I fell slowly and landed softly. What the fuck is going on?

Don't worry about it. Get to Pogtopia.

Wait. You can hear my thoughts?! I thought to myself to see if it was true but the voice didn't respond. I picked myself up off the ground and quickly turned around to start running when I saw something out the corner of my eye. I turned around again only to see it follow me. Is it on my back? I reached for my back and felt...feathers? My eyes widened and I began to freak out, grabbing and pulling at some of the hair on my head. This only resulted in me freaking out more because I found more feathers on my head. It was only a couple but it still freaked me out. What in the fucking hell is going on right now?!!?

Dammit Thomas, RUN!!

I looked back up at the mountain where the cliff was to see my father laying on his back hanging over the edge, with my sister standing over him and her sword at his throat. Seems like she has things handled. I thought before taking off towards Pogtopia.

Ophelia's pov

.................five minutes earlier.................

I watched as my father shoved Tommy over the edge and quickly shut my eyes. I searched until I found Tommy's mind and locked onto it. And then I did something I never wanted to do. Once it was done I opened my eyes and allowed the purple glow in my irises to continue.

"What did you do." My father grumbled with gritted teeth as he noticed my glowing eyes. I let out a cold heartless chuckle.

"You must forget what you truly are father." I started with a smirk as I tried to speak with Tommy on a telepathic level. "You can cut off your wings and feathers but it will never change what you are in your DNA. Meaning it can be passed on to your offspring." He went back to the edge of the cliff and looked over just in time to see my brother landing safely on the ground. I used the opportunity to warn my brother to run.

"Impossible! He showed no signs!" The man at the cliff shouted out of rage.

"Only because I wouldn't allow him to. I knew that the second you saw his hybrid abilities developing into a chicken instead of an Ender Dragon you would kill him. I needed more time to get him away from you." I continued to waste time explaining to my father while I simultaneously spoke to Tommy.

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