Chapter thirty one - Unlikely Alliance

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"Why the hell would you help us?" Tommy snarled. Wilbur elbowed him in the side and stepped forward ignoring the boys shouts.

"What Tommy means to say is we're grateful for your help Dream, but why the sudden change of heart?" Wilbur spoke carefully. Dream and I had left the farm and joined the others who were waiting in the other part of the ravine. Dream just told them he would be joining our side.

"Ophelia is my friend and if she's on your side so am I." He said leaning against the wall near the stairs.

"Plus I talked to him a bit." I added in to make it more believable.

"Bull shit." Tommy muttered.

"Tommy!" Wilbur scolded the boy. "You should be glad Dream is willing to help us in the first place considering our history with him-especially yours!" The teen rolled his eyes before looking back at Dream and speaking.

"What's the real reason?"

"Excuse me." Dream deadpanned.

"I'm not gonna fucking trust your on our side if your just gonna lie. Not that I would trust you anyways but still." The room was silent for a while. Will had told me Tommy became more paranoid the longer he'd been in Pogtopia, but I didn't know it had gotten this bad. I mean, sure he's right, were lying but there was no evidence.

"Tommy your being paranoid." I said stepping towards him.

"This is Dream were talking about Ophelia. I'm not being fucking paranoid, we can't trust him." He spoke still staring at the man in the mask. I could tell There was nothing that would make him trust Dream, but maybe there was something that would earn the others and make the situation more believable. I turned to Dream and gave him a small nod, silently telling him to trust me and let me finish what I'm about to say.

"Your right Tommy. We were lying. But not because he's planning on betraying you. We lied because he didn't want to be seen as weak." I said once I turned back to the three boys. Two of which had been very quiet.

"Weak? Dream? Seriously?!" The teen started laughing. "What-what did he do? did he-he loose a bet to you or-or something." He got out between his laughter.

"No Tommy. He saved me." He stopped. He stood up straight and glanced at Dream before looking back at me to continue. "He's my friend and Schlatt used that against him. He told Dream if he didn't join his side he would kill me." I spoke with my monotone voice. Tommy was shocked. I guess I can understand that considering in his eyes Dream is this cold hearted bastard. He's only ever seen him do bad.

While Tommy stood there just staring at the man with a look of shock and anger, Wilbur walked up to Dream and stuck out his hand. He stared at it for a while before extending his own hand.

"Welcome to Pogtopia Dream." He then walked across the ravine to a closed off section. I looked at Techno who looked lost in thought. I looked back to Tommy, who seemed to be having a debate in his head, and waited for him to speak. I think in that moment Tommy was the most quiet he had ever been.

"Fine. Whatever. He can help us I guess." I smiled at him, he just waved it off and started to walk up the stairs out of Pogtopia.

. . .

"You want to train me?" I questioned the pig hybrid. It had been a couple days and I had settled into Pogtopia nicely. Dream still went back to the castle every night though. He says it's to keep an eye on Sapnap and George, to make sure they don't rip each other apart, but I know the real reason. We all do. He can't stand Tommy and Wilbur, so there's no way he'd try and live with them.

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