Chapter fourteen - Goodbye

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping. Confused, I opened my eyes only to immediately shut them due to the blazing sun beating down on me. I rolled off my back to the left, so the sun wasn't directly in my eyes, but I was stopped by something laying next to me. Not something. Someone. They had their arm drapped over my stomach keeping me close to them. I opened my eyes again, not caring about the sun, and turned my head to the left to be met with Dreams slightly freckled face. That's when I remembered last night. Holy shit. I kissed Dream. Dream kissed me. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when the man next to me started to stir. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me staring at him.

"Goodmorning." He growled with a morning voice. Holy shit that was hot.

"Morning." I said back in a whisper, with a smile forming on my face as well.

After we had kissed the night before, we decided to lay in the flowers and watch the stars and we must have fallen asleep.

"We fell asleep in the flowers." I said, giggling slightly. He chuckled.

"Yes we did princess." We stared at each other for a while just smiling, until he pulled me closer and I layed my head on his chest while he placed his on top of mine. We layed like that for what felt like an hour in a comfortable scilence. We were just enjoying each others company. This is nice.

"You have to leave today." Dream stated out of the blue. He sounded like he himself had just realized it. And now the moments ruined. I shifted my head on his chest so that I was now looking up to his eyes.

"I know." I spoke sadly. "But...we can out...right?" I said, not sure where it is we go from here. What even are we? We kissed. Are we dating now? What's gonna happen when I go back to l'manburg?

"I don't know Ophelia." He said uncertainly.

"You don't know? Dream. I don't want to lose you-" His eyes widened, realizing what I was thinking, as he cut me off.

"I don't want to lose you either. I still want to spend time with you and be with you but...Tommy." I let out a heavy sigh and cuddled closer to him. He was right. Tommy would never let this happen. If he even thought I wanted to be friends with anyone on the Dream team, he'd be pissed. And he'd definitely try and kill Dream if he ever knew that he kissed me. Then a thought struck me.

"What if...he didn't know." I said slowly, still staring up at him.

"What? You mean like...we sneak around or something?" He asked, doubtfully.

"Yeah!" I said sitting up. I was starting to get excited. If sneaking around was the only way I got to spend time with him, without my brother bothering me about it, then I would do it. "We can meet here every night. I can just tell Tommy I'm headed back to wherever the hell my house is and come here instead."

It was silent for a while. I watched as Dream thought over every detail of the idea in his head, until he seemed to come to a conclusion.

"Thats actually not a bad idea. But right now we've got to get back to the base before George and Sapnap realize we're gone." He said laughing a little at the end. I let out a small chuckle.

"Your probably right." This will work. It has too. I can't lose him. And I definitely can't lose my brother.

. . .

When we reached the base it was around nine thirty in the morning. There was no way that George would be awake, but we still had Sapnap to worry about. So Dream and I carefully opened the front door and climbed the stairs as quietly as humanely possible, while simultaneously trying our best to hold back our giggles.

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